The meatless “Plant, Lettuce, and Tomato” will be tested in 28 locations in Southwestern Ontario for the next 12 weeks.
在接下来的12周,安大略省西南地区(Southwestern Ontario)的28间麦当劳分店将开始试售名为“P.L.T.”(“植物、生菜和番茄”)的植物肉汉堡产品。
SEPTEMBER 26, 2019
Starting on September 30, McDonald’s Canada will offer a new plant-based burger featuring a vegan Beyond Meat patty in 28 restaurants in Southwestern Ontario.
从9月30日起,加拿大麦当劳(Mcdonald's Canada)在安大略省西南地区的28间快餐厅将开始向顾客供应一款新的植物肉汉堡。该款新品以采用“超越肉类”(Beyond Meat)公司生产的纯素肉饼为亮点。
The P.L.T., which stands for Plant, Lettuce, and Tomato, includes the Beyond Burger with tomato, lettuce, pickles, onions, ketchup, mustard, mayo-style sauce, and a slice of processed cheddar cheese on a sesame-seed bun (which can be ordered vegan by omitting the mayo-style sauce and cheese).
P.L.T.是英文单词Plant, Lettuce, and Tomato(“植物、生菜和番茄”)的首字母缩写。这款新产品材料为芝麻小圆面包加“超越汉堡”(Beyond Burger)肉饼,搭配番茄、生菜、腌菜、洋葱、番茄酱、芥末、蛋黄酱调料和再制切达干酪片(顾客点的纯素版产品可以不要蛋黄酱调料和干酪)。
“McDonald’s has a proud legacy of fun, delicious, and craveable food—and now, we’re extending that to a test of a juicy, plant-based burger,” Ann Wahlgren, McDonald’s Vice President of Global Menu Strategy, said. The new Beyond P.L.T. is a first for McDonald’s Canada and is slated to be available for the next 12 weeks.
“麦当劳历来拥有引以为豪的愉悦、美味、意犹未尽的食品传统──如今,我们将这一自豪传统发扬到有待验证的鲜美多汁的植物肉汉堡,”麦当劳全球菜单战略副总裁安·瓦尔格伦(Ann Wahlgren)说道。这款“超越P.L.T.”(Beyond P.L.T.)新美食是加拿大麦当劳推出的首个植物性产品,计划于未来12周内在28间分店展开试销。
“During this test, we’re excited to hear what customers love about the P.L.T. to help our global markets better understand what’s best for their customers,” Wahlgren said. “This test allows us to learn more about real-world implications of serving the P.L.T., including customer demand and impact on restaurant operations.”
The chain’s locations in other countries around the world have already tapped into the growing market of meatless menu items. In 2017, McDonald’s Finland launched the McVegan at a single location in Tampere, Finland before expanding the vegan menu option across its locations in Finland and Sweden.
麦当劳连锁快餐厅在世界其他国家的分店也已经进军无肉菜单产品的持续增长市场。2017年,芬兰麦当劳(McDonald's Finland)在芬兰坦佩雷市(Tampere)的一间分店推出了McVegan纯素汉堡,随后这个纯素菜单产品的销售扩大到了麦当劳在芬兰和瑞典的所有分店。
Earlier this year, McDonald’s Germany added the Big Vegan TS featuring the vegan Incredible Burger—a “bleeding” patty launched this year by Nestlé under its Garden Gourmet brand—to select locations in the region.
今年早些时候,德国麦当劳(McDonald's Germany)在选定的一些分店推出了采用纯素的“不可思议汉堡”(Incredible Burger)肉饼制作的Big Vegan TS汉堡产品;该款肉饼是由雀巢(Nestlé)公司于今年推出的Garden Gourmet品牌的会“出血”的纯素肉饼。
The chain’s locations in the United Kingdom also offer a vegan Happy Meal option featuring a breaded meatless chicken wrap with shredded lettuce and ketchup, with a side of carrot sticks or pineapple, and water or juice. McDonald’s United States has yet to add a vegan burger option.
麦当劳的英国分店也供应纯素的Happy Meal套餐:面包糠炸素鸡肉卷加生菜丝和番茄酱,配菜为胡萝卜条或菠萝,并提供水或果汁。美国麦当劳尚未推出纯素汉堡产品。