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Eric Adams Makes History as New York City’s First Vegan Mayor

Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams is now the mayor of New York City, the first vegan person to be elected to the office.
美国纽约市布鲁克林区区长埃里克·亚当斯(Eric L. Adams)现已晋升为纽约市的市长,这也是纯素食者第一次被选举担任这个要职。

by Anna Starostinetskaya
作者:Anna Starostinetskaya

November 2, 2021

Today, former Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams officially became the first vegan mayor of New York City, defeating his opponent, Republican Curtis Sliwa. In July, Adams, 61, won the primary election, beating former NYC sanitation commissioner Kathryn Garcia, former City Hall legal advisor Maya Wiley, and former 2020 presidential candidate Andrew Yang.
布鲁克林区长埃里克·亚当斯(Eric L. Adams)今天战胜其竞选对手共和党人柯蒂斯·斯利瓦(Curtis Sliwa),正式成为纽约市的第一位纯素市长(明年一月就职)。今年七月份,61岁的亚当斯在初选中胜出,击败了前纽约市环卫局长凯瑟琳·加西亚(Kathryn Garcia)、前市政厅法律顾问玛雅·威利(Maya Wiley)和前2020年总统候选人杨安泽(Andrew Yang)。

Throughout the campaign trail, Adams and Sliwa debated issues such as vaccine requirements for city workers, solutions for helping NYC’s houseless population, and climate change mitigation efforts. However, despite their differences, the two mayoral candidates praised each other for their respective love of animals. For his part, Sliwa—who lives with 16 rescued cats—has been a loud supporter of increasing no-kill animal shelters, ending backyard breeding operations, and banning horse-drawn carriages.

Adams has been vegan since 2016 and, in addition to supporting animal welfare issues, brings his plant-based perspective to the office of mayor.  To celebrate his win, Adams headed to Marinello’s Gourmet Deli in Brooklyn where he ate the Plant-Based Mayor’s Wrap—a new vegan breakfast option made with Just EGG and potato-based vegan queso by LOCA Foods. The wrap ($4.99) was developed by Plantega—an food justice-motivated initiative that brings vegan food to bodegas across NYC—and it will be available until November 10 at Marinello’s and Silver Moon Deli in Manhattan.
亚当斯本人自2016年以来践行纯素生活方式;除了支持解决动物福利问题之外,还将他的植物性理念融入到市长施政。为了庆祝此次竞选成功,亚当斯去到布鲁克林区内的马里内洛美味熟食店(Marinello's Gourmet Deli),在那里享用“植物性市长的卷饼”(Plant-Based Mayor’s Wrap)──这是一款新推出的纯素早餐美食,其制作材料采用了皆食得植物蛋(JUST Egg)和LOCA Foods公司的纯素土豆奶酪酱。这款卷饼(4.99美元)是由Plantega公司开发的,在马里内洛店和曼哈顿的银月熟食店(Silver Moon Deli)均有销售,将一直供应到11月10日。Plantega是一家追求食品正义(food justice)的植物性食品公司,目前正在向整个纽约市的杂货店推出各种纯素食品。

“Throughout the campaign, I’ve spoken repeatedly about my health journey,” Adams said in a statement. “After adopting a plant-based diet, I was able to reverse my type 2 diabetes, which changed not only the trajectory of my life, but also my career as a public servant. I am now committed to spreading that message and empowering New Yorkers in every zip code to lead a healthy lifestyle.”

NYC gets its first vegan mayor

Adams first began his career in public service in the New York City Police Department, where he served for 22 years. As a police officer, Adams aimed to affect change from within and founded 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care, an organization that stood against racial profiling and fought for criminal justice reform. Adams left the NYPD to pursue a career in politics, and in 2014 he became the first person of color to be elected as the Brooklyn Borough President.
亚当斯一开始便投身于个人的公职生涯,在纽约市警察局(NYPD)任职长达22年。作为一名警官,亚当斯志在从政府内部推动变革,并创立了“100名黑人热心执法者”(100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care)组织,以反抗种族成见(racial profiling)和争取刑事司法改革。亚当斯后来离开警局去追求个人的政治生涯,在2014年成为了首名当选为布鲁克林区长的有色人种。

Adams initially went vegan to combat the debilitating symptoms he experienced after being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. As Brooklyn Borough President, Adams has helped his constituents and fellow New Yorkers gain control of their health through several initiatives, including spearheading a plant-based medicine program within NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue, the city’s largest medical system.
亚当斯最初成为一名纯素食者,是想要对抗身体出现的衰弱症状,当时他已被诊断患有2型糖尿病。在担任布鲁克林区长期间,亚当斯通过积极推行多项计划,包括领导实施纽约市最大医疗系统“纽约卫生+医院/表维”(NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue)的植物性医疗计划,努力帮助其选民们和纽约市民们掌控个人健康。

In May, Adams also authorized a $10,000 discretionary grant to support plant-based nutrition education at the State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate College of Medicine. The funds helped establish the Food as Medicine Initiative, a supplemental program to the existing nutrition curriculum, which teaches future medical professionals the healing power of plant-based foods.
亚当斯在今年五月还批准了一笔10,000美元的酌情补助金(discretionary grant),用于资助纽约州立大学(SUNY)下州医学院(Downstate College of Medicine)的植物性营养教育工作,帮助设立“药食同源计划”(Food as Medicine Initiative)──这是现有营养课程的一项补充计划,向未来的医疗专业人员讲授植物性食物的治愈力知识。

To help children gain access to plant-based foods, Adams also worked with former NYC mayor Bill de Blasio to implement Meatless Mondays at 15 schools in Brooklyn, a program the then mayor expanded to all 1,700 NYC public schools in 2019. That year, Adams also spearheaded Resolution 238, which called upon the Department of Education to remove processed meat such as bologna, pepperoni, and hot dogs from public school menus citywide.
为了帮助儿童获得植物性食品,亚当斯还曾经和上一任纽约市长比尔·白思豪(Bill de Blasio)联手合作,在布鲁克林区15所学校率先施行“无肉星期一”(Meatless Mondays)计划,而前纽约市长在2019年又将该项健康饮食计划推广到了本市全部1,700所公立学校。亚当斯同年还领导实施了《第238号决议》(Resolution 238),要求纽约市教育局(Department of Education)撤除全市公立学校菜单上的各种加工肉制品,例如大红肠(bologna)、意大利辣香肠(pepperoni)和热狗(hot dog)等。

Helping NYC get healthier with plant-based programs

In his role as mayor, Adams will use his experience of overcoming serious illness with a plant-based diet to inform policy. “I don’t believe the government should tell you what you can have on your grill in your backyard on Saturday. What the government should do is not feed the crises,” Adams told local outlet Grub Street in a recent interview. “So we can’t have a Department of Health and Mental Hygiene fighting childhood obesity, diabetes, and asthma and a Department of Education preparing 960,000 meals a day that cause childhood obesity, diabetes, and asthma. So what you do with your dollar is up to you. But on taxpayers’ dollars, we should not be feeding a health-care crisis.”
在担任市长职务期间,亚当斯将运用个人采用植物性饮食战胜重大疾病的经验来指导施政。“我不认为政府应当告诉你们周六在自家后院的烤架上能够放些什么。政府应当做的是不要助长危机,”亚当斯在最近接受采访时向当地媒体Grub Street表示。“因此,我们不能一边让健康与心理卫生局(DOHMH)忙于应对儿童期肥胖、糖尿病和哮喘病,另一边又让教育局(DOE)每天供应960,000份导致儿童期肥胖、糖尿病和哮喘病的餐食。你们自己的钱想怎么花就怎么花。但是对于纳税人的金钱,我们不应该拿来助长医疗保健危机。”

Outside of his political career, Adams is also a published author and recently released Healthy at Last, a book in which he details his plant-based transformation, speaks about the issue of diet-related chronic diseases as they affect communities of color, and shares more than 50 vegan recipes. To further expand his message beyond NYC, Adams has also appeared in several documentaries that promote plant-based living, including the upcoming film They’re Trying to Kill Us—which examines the intersections of diet, poverty, and systemic racism.
在个人的政治生涯之外,亚当斯还是一名出版作家(published author)。在他最新出版的《重获健康》(Healthy at Last)这本书中,亚当斯详细介绍了自己的植物性转变过程,探讨了饮食相关慢性病困扰有色人群的问题,最后还分享了50多道纯素食谱。为了进一步将他的理念传播到纽约以外地区,亚当斯还参演了几部提倡植物性生活方式的纪录片,其中包括即将上映的电影《他们想要杀死我们》(They’re Trying to Kill Us)──该影片考查了饮食、贫困和系统性种族主义的相互关系。

“Like many New Yorkers, my life has been full of struggles. It wasn’t always easy. My mom worked her fingers to the bone cleaning houses to raise six children, all on her own,” Adams said in a statement when he announced his run for mayor last year. “But we persevered—because that’s what New Yorkers do. Now the city is in pain. And I know I can help because I have lived the life of the people who are hurting the most. I have seen what works and what doesn’t in this city. To be truly progressive, we have to fix [the] government and eliminate the inefficiencies that are holding us back.”


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