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Denmark Is Investing 1.25 Billion Kroner in Plant-Based Food

By Vegan FTA - November 5, 2021
作者:Vegan FTA,2021年11月5日

Long known as one of the world’s most forward-thinking countries, it should come as no surprise that Denmark has taken a strong interest in environmental sustainability. Vegetarians and vegans now have more reason to celebrate the nation than ever. In early October, the Danish government announced an unprecedented plan to boost the production of plant-based food. With a staggering 1.25 billion kroner (almost $200 million) dedicated solely to the endeavor, the nation of only 5.8 million citizens will enact the biggest investment into a plant-based in European history.
长久以来,丹麦就是世界上最富有远见的国家之一,因此也特别注重环境可持续性(environmental sustainability),这并不会让人感到意外。素食者和纯素食者现在比以前更有理由赞扬这个国家了。为了促进植物性食品的生产,丹麦政府在10月初宣布了一项史无前例的计划。这个只有区区580万人口的小国拨出震撼人心的12.5亿克朗(将近2亿美元)专项资金,将用于实施欧洲历史上对植物性食品行业的最大投资。

This decision came at the urging of Danish citizens. In a 2020 poll, 60% of Danes agreed that their country should take a leadership position in the transition to more plant-based food production. As a result, all parliamentary political parties in Denmark backed the investment.

One of the document’s primary goals is to incentivize farmers to switch to plant-based growing operations rather than force them into it legally. A five-year plan will pay out 580 million Kroner in bonuses to farmers to grow plant-based protein crops. Ideally, this will set Denmark up to be a major player in a greener future for all of Europe and countries beyond.

In six years, Western Europe’s market for plant-based food is expected to be worth 460 billion Kroner. Two years later, the market is expected to reach 870 billion Kroner. With a head start in production, the investment has the potential to pay off in a huge way. Danish leaders also hope that their neighbors will take notice and implement similar measures in their own countries.

The document outlines several other measures that promote sustainability in Denmark, including goals to reduce tree harvests and expand forested regions of the country.

The announcement of this investment comes less than one month from the start of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland. It remains to be seen what will be said about Denmark’s leadership position in the fight against global climate change, but hopes are high among those who believe in a future for sustainable living. The measure marks an important step in their ambitious plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70% by 2030.
2021年联合国气候变化大会(COP26)在苏格兰格拉斯哥(Glasgow)举行;丹麦当时宣布该项投资的时候距离大会的召开还有不到一个月。关于应对全球气候变化的领导地位,丹麦将获得怎样的评价还有待观察,但是坚信未来可持续生活(sustainable living)的人们内心充满了希望。丹麦的举措朝本国的宏伟目标迈出了重要一步──到2030年减少温室气体排放量70%(与1990年相比)。

Vegans and vegetarians across the world should rejoice in this incredible development, but it is only one step in the process. If we work together, we can promote more plant-based investments and work toward not only meeting the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and beyond, but toward making a better world for all beings on the planet.
世界各地的纯素食者和素食者应该对这个重大进展感到欢欣鼓舞,但它只是整个征程中的一步。只要我们齐心协力,就能够促进更多的植物性投资,努力实现《巴黎气候协定》(Paris Climate Agreement)等设立的目标,并为地球上的所有生灵创造一个更美好的世界。


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