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We've asked the Prime Minister to go vegan at COP26. Will he do it?

28 OCT 2021

Vegan Australia has teamed up with Vegan Easy to send an invitation to Prime Minister Scott Morrison urging him to take up a 30-day vegan challenge for the COP26 climate summit this November.
“纯素澳大利亚”(Vegan Australia)组织与“纯素容易”(Vegan Easy)活动联合向澳洲总理斯科特·莫里森(Scott Morrison)发出了一封邀请信,恳请他在十一月份为COP26气候峰会接受30天纯素挑战。

If the Prime Minister accepts the invitation, he will save approximately 272 kilograms of CO2 plus 124,917 litres of water, 543 kilograms of grain, 84 square metres of forest and the lives of 30 animals! Want to find out the difference you can make by going vegan for even one day? Check out the Vegan Calculator then sign up to the Vegan Easy Challenge!
如果总理接受这次邀请,他不但可以减少大约272公斤的二氧化碳(CO2)排放量,而且还能节约124,917升的水和543公斤的粮食,保护84平方米面积的森林,并拯救30只动物的生命!想知道仅仅一天的纯素生活能达到什么效果?请查看“纯素计算器”(Vegan Calculator),然后报名参加“纯素容易挑战”(Vegan Easy Challenge)活动!

Invitation to the Prime Minister

From: Vegan Australia and Vegan Easy
发件人:Vegan Australia和Vegan Easy
To: Prime Minister Scott Morrison <scott.morrison.mp@aph.gov.au>
Cc: Environment Minister Sussan Ley, Matthew Canavan Deputy Leader of The Nationals
Subject: Join the Vegan Easy November Challenge to help fix the climate crisis

Dear Prime Minister,

As you know, animal agriculture is one of the most damaging sources of greenhouse gas emissions and causes of deforestation. Climate scientists inform us that to avoid climate catastrophe we need to take swift and meaningful actions to address emissions from animal agriculture, as well as fossil fuels and other sources.

We are pleased to see that you will be attending the COP26 climate conference commencing this Sunday. An international event of this significance will be a fantastic opportunity for you to show not only your government’s, but your personal commitment to creating a better world for current and future generations.

COP26 has announced that plant-based dishes will dominate the menu for the event. The carbon footprint for each menu item will also be displayed. We encourage you to make climate-friendly choices by opting for plant-based meals while at the conference.
COP26峰会已经宣布,将为与会人员提供以植物性食品为主的膳食。此外,每道菜还将标明碳足迹(carbon footprint)。我们鼓励您做出有利于气候的选择,在大会期间采纳植物性饮食。

We also urge you to continue to maintain a plant-based lifestyle throughout November by joining the free Vegan Easy 30 Day Challenge for World Vegan Month. Visit www.veganeasy.org/challenge to sign up to receive helpful resources, support and dietitian-approved advice to guide you to a compassionate, environmentally-friendly and healthful way of life. You could even ask your family to join you. Taking up a new habit can be easier when the whole family tries it together.
我们还恳请您在整个11月份继续保持植物性的生活方式,为庆祝世界纯素月(World Vegan Month)参加免费的“纯素容易30天挑战”(Vegan Easy 30 Day Challenge)活动。请访问www.veganeasy.org/challenge网页,报名参加这项活动,接收有用的资源、支持和营养师认可的建议,以指导您实行慈悲、环保和有益健康的生活方式。您当然可以邀请自己的家人和您一起参加活动。全家人齐心协力共同尝试的话,就能够更容易养成新的生活习惯。

It's not too late to inform your airline of your updated catering requirements to enjoy a more climate-friendly flight to Glasgow. Will you commit to joining the multitude of other participants on the Vegan Easy November Challenge?
为了享受飞往格拉斯哥(Glasgow)的更加环保之旅,现在向您的航班提出您最新的餐食要求还不算太晚。您能否决定和其他众多的参与者一样加入“纯素容易十一月挑战”(Vegan Easy November Challenge)?

Will you accept our invitation and be part of the solution by fighting climate change with diet change?

Most respectfully,

Greg McFarlane
Vegan Australia

Lefki Pavlidis
Vegan Easy

P.S. We have attached the Vegan Easy booklet for your interest. You will find information on the environmental benefits of a plant-based diet on pages 16-17.
附言:我们随信附上Vegan Easy小册子,希望您能感兴趣。在第16-17页可以查看有关植物性饮食的环境效益内容。

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