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The Swiss food giant’s pea protein-based Sensational Vuna is its first plant-based seafood alternative.

这家瑞士食品巨头用豌豆蛋白打造的(纯素金枪鱼产品)Sensational Vuna是其推出的首款植物性海鲜替代品。



AUGUST 20, 2020


This month, international brand Nestlé is launching vegan tuna Sensational Vuna in its home country of Switzerland before rolling out the product—its first foray into plant-based seafood—to global markets. The company spent nine months developing pea protein-based Sensational Vuna—the newest product sold under its Garden Gourmet brand—at its facilities in Switzerland, Germany, and the United States. The vegan tuna will be available on shelves in glass jars as well as part of prepared sandwiches in some stores.

国际品牌公司雀巢(Nestlé)于本月首次涉足植物性海鲜领域,在其祖国瑞士正式推出纯素金枪鱼产品“Sensational Vuna”,并计划将该款纯素美食产品进一步推广到全球市场。该公司在其位于瑞士、德国和美国的研发设施内,耗时九个月用豌豆蛋白等原料开发出其Garden Gourmet(“田园美食家”)品牌的最新产品Sensational Vuna。该款纯素金枪鱼将有玻璃罐装产品供应给消费者,此外,一些商店还将采用该款纯素金枪鱼制作三明治食品出售给顾客。

“We have used our culinary and technical expertise to find the right combination of plant-based protein and flavors and combine them using proprietary technologies to create the rich flavor and flaky texture of tuna,” a company spokesperson told Foodnavigator-USA. “We used our proprietary, patented wet extrusion technology that we use for our plant-based meat alternatives, such as our vegan bacon and plant-based burger.” The company is also working to develop other vegan fish and shellfish products.


In 2019, the vegan Incredible Burger made its debut under the Garden Gourmet brand in European grocery stores and as part of The Big Vegan TS burger at McDonald’s in Germany. In June, a district court judge in the Netherlands ruled that the Incredible Burger infringed upon Impossible Foods’ name, branding, and visual identity in an attempt to confuse consumers forcing Nestlé to change its branding to replace “incredible” with “sensational,” terminology it is now using for other plant-based products such as its new tuna.

2019年(4月),雀巢公司Garden Gourmet品牌的Incredible Burger(“不可思议汉堡”)纯素肉饼产品首次亮相欧洲各家食品杂货店,而德国麦当劳(McDonald's)则推出了采用该纯素肉饼产品打造的(首款完全纯素食的)Big Vegan TS汉堡包。2020年6月(2020年5月底),荷兰的一个地区法院法官裁定,Incredible Burger产品企图迷惑消费者(购买雀巢公司的该产品),侵犯了不可能食品公司(Impossible Foods)的名称、品牌和视觉识别(visual identity);这一裁决迫使雀巢公司采取了品牌调整措施,将其产品名称中的“incredible”(“不可思议”)替换为“sensational”(“绝妙”)。雀巢现在也将这个新名称用于本公司生产的其它植物性食品,例如新推出的纯素金枪鱼产品等。

Stateside, Nestlé acquired vegetarian brand Sweet Earth for an undisclosed amount in 2017, which has since debuted a variety of vegan products, including the Awesome Burger, Awesome Grounds, and vegan cheddar-stuffed sausages, and a new iteration of the Awesome Burger blended with vegan Benevolent Bacon pieces. Nestlé has also modernized some of its classic brands to include Sweet Earth’s vegan meat products such as DiGiorno pizzas and Stouffer’s lasagna.

在美国国内,雀巢于2017年以秘密金额收购了素食品牌公司Sweet Earth(“甜蜜地球”);此后,该品牌公司首次推出了一系列的纯素食产品,其中包括Awesome Burger(“超棒汉堡”)、Awesome Grounds(“超棒碎牛肉”)、纯素切达奶酪馅香肠、用纯素Benevolent Bacon(“仁慈培根”)片配制的新版Awesome Burger、等等。雀巢也对其旗下的一些经典品牌进行了现代化革新,采用甜蜜地球公司的纯素肉制品重新打造经典品牌食品,譬如DiGiorno披萨和Stouffer's千层面等。

In May, Nestlé announced plans to invest more than CHF 100 million in expanding its manufacturing in the Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area in China, a portion of which will be used to open a dedicated plant-based food production facility with the aim of launching plant-based meat products in China by the end of this year.



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