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弘法利生加国佛教 五台再现世界瞩目 ——加拿大佛教介绍







Introducing Canadian Buddhism

PPT的五个部分Five parts of this presentation

一.加拿大历史背景  Background History of Canada


         A brief introduction to The Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple

三.   汉传佛教传入加拿大的历史和发展

         The History and Development of Introducing Chinese Buddhism into Canada

四.   加拿大佛教四大名山介绍

        Introduction of Four Sacred Buddhist Gardens in Canada

五.   五台山大雄宝殿的四大特点

         4 Main Architectural features of the Main Buddha Hall

 Background History of Canada

加拿大是世界上国土面积第二大的国家,总面积为9,984,670 平方公里。




Canada is the second largest country in the world with total land area of 9,984,670 square kilometers.

Canada has a total population of 37,523,897, of which more than 2 million are ethnic Chinese.

It is a multi-cultural country favoured by immigrants.

It has been 152 years since the founding of Canada.


A brief introduction to The Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple


Founded in 1968, The Buddhist Association of Canada was established after the three Elder Masters, Sing Hung, Lok To and Shing Cheung, immigrated to Canada from Hong Kong.



Cham Shan Temple, as a true up holder of Buddha Dharma, is sitting on the back bone of a dragon with its topography resembling are clining Buddha.

The main work of The Buddhist Association of Canada is as follows:


1. Scripture translation: Elder Master Lok To dedicated decades to translation of scriptures and made remarkable achievements. Under the guidance and supervision of Venerable Lok To, over thirty Buddhist literature and sutras have been translated into English, such as The Mahaparinirvana Sutra, The Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra and The Practice of “Chan”.

2. 将佛教与当地多元文化相互融合

 Integrate Buddhism with local multiculturalism


Teaching and leading mass meditation, hosting regular Buddhist activities, regular children's Buddhist studies, promotion of healthy vegetarianism, advocacy for environmental protection, and Buddhist meditation, chanting, etc.


New Year's Bell Sounding Ceremony

Seven-day Retreat at Cham Shan Temple

3. 积极投入社区服务工作(关怀耆老、赈灾等)

   Actively invest in community service work (caring for the elderly, disaster relief, etc.)


Distributing free vegetarian food Caring for the elderly

Caring for the elderly

Distributing free vegetarian food

4. 通过各种渠道与主流社会沟通交流(与各大院校互动交流、到警察局传授禅修、邀请高中学校学生和各宗教团体到寺院来了解佛法,体验禅修。
Communicate with mainstream society through various channels (interacting with major universities, teaching meditation to local police station, inviting high school students and religious groups to the temple to learn about Dharma and experience meditation).

Police officers attended Cham Shan Temple

Dharma teaching at University of Toronto,
Students visited Cham Shan Temple



5. 常态性与加拿大三级政府互动交流(寺院的大型活动邀请政要参加;寺院僧人也应邀参与政府所举办的一些活动)

Regular interacts with the three levels of government in Canada (the temple's major events regularly invites politicians to participate and temple monks are also invited to participate in activities organized by the government)


The History and Development of Introducing Chinese Buddhism into Canada

1. 1967-2004年,湛山三位长老艰苦创业。广建道场,提供信众修行

From 1967 to 2004, the three Elder Masters of Cham Shan Temple worked diligently to establish temples in order to provide a place of worship for Buddhist practitioners. 

2. 2004-2019年,达义大和尚担任加拿大佛教会会长,湛山精舍住持。提出【智慧人生】的弘法理念:目的是倡导佛教要走出寺院,走进社会,将佛法传到每家每户。

2. In 2004-2019, Venerable Master Dayi Shi served as the President of The Buddhist Association of Canada and Abbot of Cham Shan Temple.  He introduced the concept of "Living with Wisdom" and advocated for Buddhism to step outside the temple and into society so that the Dharma can spread to every household.


Method 1: Using the media to promote Dharma, such as giving radio lectures, publishing Buddhist articles in newspapers, new-age media promotion methods (Internet website, WeChat public account, YouTube, Youku,  Facebook, etc.).

Method 2: Promoting healthy vegetarian foods, such as vegetarian mooncakes, vegetarian food, and other healthy and environmentally friendly products.


Method 3: Using a variety of methods to attract young people to the temple to volunteer, meditate, and learn Dharma.


Method 4: Regularly holding educational courses for youth, such as Chinese language courses, Chinese calligraphy and painting courses, and Shaolin KungFu.

Method 5: Attracting locals to Buddhism through culture and art, such as the construction of the Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden Main Buddha Hall, as a platform for communication and exchange.

四. 加拿大佛教四大名山介绍

加拿大佛教四大名山位于加拿大安大略省Peterborough County的四块风景优美之地,距离多伦多市区约100公里。四大名山工程拟在四个方位,分别为五台山、峨眉山、普陀山和九华山四大佛教名山,总占地面积1350英亩(约计9000中国亩)。其中,加国五台山工程,佔地约535多英亩。建成后的加国五台山是一个集宗教、文化、艺术、教育、环保、旅游等多功能的文化园区,将对加拿大经济、文化、宗教、以及慈善事业做出重要贡献。

1350 acres of scenic land were purchased in Peterborough County and City of Kawartha Lakes, northeast of Toronto for the construction of the Four Great Sacred Buddhist Gardens in Canada, namely Wutai Shan, Emei Shan, Putuo Shan and Jiuhua Shan Buddhist Gardens. These parcels of land were chosen for their tranquility and the beautiful natural environment of the local regions. They are ideal ‘pure lands’ on earth for learning the Buddha’s teachings, to discover the true Buddha-nature within oneself and the path to enlightenment. They are also great places to build meditation retreat centres. Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden in Canada is the first site to be developed on 535 acres of land. When completed, these wooden temples will have significant architectural recognition in the world. It will be the largest single Buddhist complex outside China for the promulgation of Chinese Buddhismin North America, and at the same time promoting Chinese culture and Tang-Dynasty style architecture, strengthening cultural exchange and friendship between China and Canada, uniting all branches of Buddhism throughout the world.



唐风古建: 规模宏大,规划严整,全木结构、气魄宏伟。

1.    Tang-dynasty style architecture:

The Main Buddha Hall is constructed following ancient Chinese architectural technique from the Tang dynasty.  The structure is built purely in wood, using an ancient Chinese technique called “dougong” where large wooden interlocking brackets and no single metallic nail was used.

美和力的结合: 仿唐建筑斗拱的结构、柱子的形象、梁的搭建等其结构本身受力状态与形象之间有着内在的联系,达到了力与美的统一。而色调简洁明快,屋顶舒展平远,门窗简洁彰显朴实无华。

2. Merger of Beauty and Strength

The architectural outline and design of the structure is a perfect harmony of beauty and strength, with simple but majestic colour tone, windows and door designs.

取材珍贵: 整个大木作结构内外均取材于老挝珍贵花梨木

3. Built Using Precious Materials

Most of the wooden materials used are high grade rosewood imported from Laos, and other materials such as camphor and yew. 


屋面铜瓦: 整个大殿的屋面为全铜瓦覆盖,共计铜瓦24220片,铜的重量约为61吨,整个屋面总重量约为600吨。

4. The Bronze Roof Shingles

The roof of the Main Buddha Hall is covered with 24,220 bronze roof shingles, sponsored through the Bronze Roof Shingles Writing activities. These bronze shingles weigh about 61 tons, providing shelter to the Buddha statues inside and showering blessings on all visitors within.  Total roof structure weighs about 600 tons.

五台 Five platforms

八景 Eight Sights

十六点 Sixteen Points

结语 To Conclude




The Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden of Canada will become the pride of Canadians and a world attraction. 

Following the completion of Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden, we believe that Buddhism will undergo another round of global widespread.  This will surely allow Buddhism to play an important role in promoting world peace and social development!






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