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JUST皆食得植物蛋正 式登陆中国大陆市场 | JUST Launches in Mainland China



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JUST公司宣布其JUST皆食得植物蛋在中国大陆市场闪亮登场,此举使得该公司成为首家正式登陆中国大陆市场的美国食品科技初创企业。JUST 总部设于硅谷,其业务是采用先进科技研发更健康、更支持可持续发展的食品,该公司将通过一个涵盖电商平台、零售及食品服务的多渠道策略,大举推进在全球范围举足轻重的中国食品市场。

JUST, a company that applies cutting-edge science and technology to create healthier, more sustainable foods announced today that it has become the first major U.S. food tech startup to enter mainland China. The Silicon Valley startup is entering one of the world’s most important global markets through a multi-channel approach encompassing e-commerce, retail and foodservice.

JUST 首款在中国大陆市场推出的产品是其JUST皆食得植物蛋,现在本地消费者可以通过在线商城平台京东(JD.com)、JUST微信商店、阿里巴巴旗下超市及餐厅连锁店盒马及电商平台天猫、食品电商平台FreshFresh.com、特色食品超市City’super及健康餐厅连锁店Hunter Gatherer 等渠道购买这款植物蛋食品。

The plant-based, protein-rich JUST Egg is now available for purchase by Chinese consumers on JD.com, the country’s largest online retailer; JUST’s WeChat Store; supermarket and food delivery service Hema and e-commerce platform Tmall.com, both owned by Alibaba; food e-commerce platform FreshFresh.com; specialty retailer City’super and healthy restaurant chain Hunter Gatherer.

JUST于5月15日在Hunter Gatherer举办了一场媒体 交 流 会 , 其 CEO Josh Tetrick 及 中 国 区 总 经 理 Cyrus Pan 介绍了该公司的中国市场发展战略和规划。中国占全球人口20%,是一个重要的食品市场。在去 年12月,JUST 曾举办一场植物蛋新品预展会, 出席 嘉宾包括业务伙伴、投资者、政府官员及新闻媒体。

JUST CEO Josh Tetrick and China General Manager Cyrus Pan shared the company's ambitions for the country, which is home to roughly 20% of the world's population, at a media event in Shanghai on May 15, 2019 at Hunter Gatherer. JUST previously hosted a preview party for JUST Egg in December, with business partners, investors, government officials and influencers.

CEO Josh Tetrick

JUST公司认为JUST皆食得植物蛋在中国市场的发展 潜力巨大,根据多个消费者的品尝调研结果显示,采 用植物蛋烹调多款家常菜式,消费者试吃后都给予极 高的体验评价,并表示乐于采用JUST皆食得植物蛋作 为日常食材。目前植物食品在中国消费者中大行其 道,而可持续膳食也是一个日益受到重视及支持的课 题。

China is uniquely positioned to benefit from JUST Egg and people who have tasted it in a variety of popular native dishes are eager to make it part of their diet. Plant-based foods are increasing in popularity among Chinese consumers and more sustainable eating is becoming part of a national dialogue about the feeding the country in the future.


中国每年出产约4,350 亿只鸡蛋,在都市化、人口增 加及收入提高等因素推动下,大众对摄取蛋白质的需 求与日俱增,然而可用于农业的土地量却正在减少。

China produces about 435 billion eggs per year and demand for protein is increasing. Urbanization, population growth and higher incomes are accelerating that demand, yet available arable land is diminishing.

JUST皆食得植物蛋的主要成分是绿豆,其烹调方法及 口感味道与传统鸡蛋极为相似。在中国及亚洲其它地 区,绿豆都是一种常见的农作物及主食食材。种植绿 豆比生产鸡蛋所需的土地面积及地下水耗用量少70%, 其碳足迹低40%。

The key ingredient for JUST Egg, which cooks and tastes like conventional eggs, is mung bean -- a dietary and agricultural staple in China and other parts of Asia. Its ingredients require 70% less surface and groundwater and have a 40% lower carbon footprint than chicken egg production.

Josh Tetrick表示:“我们一直致力把植物蛋引进中国大 陆市场,经过多番努力,我们终于达成和多家在京、 沪甚至全国家喻户晓的公司合作,携手把JUST皆食得 植物蛋带给中国广大的消费者。JUST皆食得植物蛋的意 义重大,它体现了高度的食品安全,把上千年食用绿豆 的传统冠以创新思维,也带来享用美味、健康及新颖 食品的无穷乐趣。”

"It’s hard to express in words how palpable the energy and enthusiasm for what we’re doing is in China and we’re proud to work with companies that are household names in Shanghai, Beijing and across the country to bring JUST Egg to Chinese consumers. This is about food security, the thousand-year old tradition of eating mung bean re-imagined and the pure joy of trying something that is delicious, healthy and new," said Tetrick.

Cyrus Pan 表示:“JUST皆食得植物蛋健康及安全的特 点与现代的中国消费潮流丝丝入扣,它势必将为中国 食品市场带来一场变革。” Cyrus Pan拥有丰富的消费 品营销经验,在加入JUST公司前曾在宝洁、百事可乐 及帝亚吉欧等著名企业工作20年,在他领导下,JUST 已经迅速在上海及北京等地崭露头角,其不断壮大的 团队正与更多的合作伙伴洽谈,力争在未来数月进一 步扩大JUST皆食得植物蛋的市场覆盖面。”

"The health and safety attributes of JUST Egg are well- aligned with modern Chinese consumption trends. This product has the potential to bring a food revolution to China very soon," said Pan, who joined JUST in July after 20 years of working for multinational corporations in China including Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo and Diageo. He has quickly established a presence for JUST in Shanghai and Beijing and his growing team is working to bring on more partners as JUST Egg continues its rollout in the coming months.

JUST皆食得植物蛋在美国、新加坡、中国香港及澳门 地区等市场推出后,得到当地消费者、零售商及食品 服务商的高度评价。《Popular Science》把JUST皆食 得植物蛋评为年度100个最伟大的创新产品之一,而 《时 代》杂志在2018年评之为十大智能可持续产品之 一。

JUST Egg has won acclaim from consumers, retailers and foodservice operators alike following its launch in the U.S., Singapore, Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR. Popular Science named JUST Egg one of the 100 greatest innovations of the year and Time recognized it as one of the 10 smartest sustainable products of 2018.

在美国市场,有机食品销售渠道的零售点调研数据显 示,在冷藏液体蛋品类中,JUST皆食得植物蛋已经占 据了30%的份额,为这个正处于下调状态的食品类别 重新注入活力,无论是销售额还是销售量,JUST皆食 得植物蛋在这个类别皆名列第一。在副食品销售渠道 中,JUST皆食得植物蛋占有15%的份额,推动了鸡蛋 代用品类别的增长。

In the U.S., point-of-sale data shows that JUST Egg has already captured 30% of the refrigerated liquid egg market in Natural Channel and reversed what was a declining category. JUST Egg is the #1 selling refrigerated liquid egg in the Natural Channel in both dollars spent and units sold. More broadly, JUST Egg has surpassed 15% in the Grocery Channel and is reversing the trend in the egg substitutes category there.

更多信息请登录justforall.com 或justforall.cn。

More information: justforall.com or justforall.cn.


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