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The plant-based company increased its retail footprint by 18-fold and will also debut its first cookbook next month.




MAY 5, 2020


Today, Impossible Foods announced the launch of its plant-based Impossible Burger at 1,700 Kroger and Kroger-owned stores in 28 states nationwide. The burger is sold in 12-ounce packages in the fresh and frozen sections with a price between $8.99 and $9.99. The company planned its retail expansion for a year and accelerated its efforts due to the COVID-19 pandemic, adjusting to meet the demand of consumers who are cooking at home as restaurants are operating at limited capacity. “Kroger’s new partnership with Impossible Foods is one more way we are providing our customers with convenient access to popular fresh plant-based meats,” Joe Grieshaber, Kroger’s Senior Vice President of Merchandising, said. “Plant-based food remains one of the fastest-growing categories at Kroger. We’re excited to continue growing our selection, especially as more customers than ever are purchasing meat products made from plants.”

不可能食品公司(Impossible Foods)今天宣布,在全美28个州的克罗格公司(Kroger)旗下1,700间商店全面推出本公司生产的“不可能汉堡”(Impossible Burger)植物肉产品。该款纯素汉堡肉饼为12盎司包装,摆放在店内生鲜和冷冻区售卖,产品售价介于8.99到9.99美元之间。不可能食品公司规划了一年的零售业务扩张;由于COVID-19(2019冠状病毒病)大流行,各家餐馆饭店的经营均受到了限制,该公司因此加快其产品推出力度,相应满足日益增多的在家做饭的消费者需求。“克罗格公司和不可能食品公司建立新的合作伙伴关系,为我们的顾客获得广受欢迎的生鲜植物肉产品增添了方便快捷的途径,”克罗格公司的商品促销高级副总裁乔·格里斯哈伯(Joe Grieshaber)说道。“植物性食品一直是克罗格超市里增长最快的商品类别之一。我们很高兴继续扩大我们的商品选择范围,特别是在越来越多的顾客购买用植物原料制作的肉类产品的形势下。”

The move means that Impossible Burger is now available at 2,700 stores—representing an 18-fold increase of its retail footprint—which, in addition to Kroger, includes Gelson’s, Safeway, Wegmans, Fairway, Albertsons, and Jewel-Osco. “Our existing retail partners have achieved record sales of Impossible Burger in recent weeks,” Impossible Foods President Dennis Woodside said. “We expect our retail footprint to expand more than 50-fold in 2020, and we are moving as quickly as possible to expand with additional outlets and in more retail channels.”

通过此次的产品大力推广,“不可能汉堡”植物肉产品迄今已成功挺进了2,700家零售商店──自今年以来,不可能食品公司的零售版图(零售店数目)扩充了18倍──其合作的零售店除了克罗格(Kroger)超市之外,还包括Gelson’s、Safeway、Wegmans、Fairway、Albertsons和Jewel-Osco超市。“在最近几个星期,我们现有的零售合作伙伴的‘不可能汉堡’销量都创下了纪录,”不可能食品公司总裁丹尼斯·伍德赛德(Dennis Woodside)说道。“在2020年,我们期望我们的零售版图扩大50倍以上;通过增加更多销售点并拓展零售渠道,我们将尽可能快地进行扩张发展。”

During a press conference today, Impossible Foods founder and CEO Pat Brown explained the differences between the production process of plant-based Impossible meat and traditional animal meat in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Approximately 20 slaughterhouses nationwide suspended operations by late April after workers—who often stand shoulder-to-shoulder and have little time for sanitation needs—tested positive for the virus. Last week, Trump issued an executive order to compel slaughterhouses to reopen, stoking fears that the virus would spread unmitigated at meat plants and into communities. The disruption in the meat supply chain is now causing meat shortages in supermarkets and the foodservice sector. “Over time, we are sure we can fill that void,” Brown said, adding that Impossible Foods is still a small company compared to its animal-agriculture competitors. “Wait a few years and that will be very different.” 

在今天的新闻发布会上,不可能食品公司的创始人兼首席执行官(CEO)帕特·布朗(Pat Brown)针对COVID-19(2019冠状病毒病)大流行情况,解释了该公司植物肉产品和传统动物肉类的不同生产过程。动物肉类生产场所的工人们经常需要肩并肩紧挨着工作,很少有时间解决卫生清洁问题,由此导致部分工人感染了新型冠状病毒;到今年四月下旬,美国各地已经有大约20家屠宰场因此被迫暂停营业。(美国总统)特朗普却于上星期发布行政令(executive order)强迫屠宰场复工,从而加剧了人们担忧新型冠状病毒会在肉类加工厂内大肆传播并蔓延扩散到各个社区。目前的肉类供应链中断正在造成超市和餐饮服务业的肉类供应短缺。“随着时间的推移,我们确信我们能够(用植物肉产品)填补这一空缺,”布朗进一步表示,与从事动物农业的竞争对手相比,不可能食品公司现在还只是一家小公司。“再过几年看看,情况将会有很大不同。”

At Impossible Foods, workers do not need to engage in the multi-step process of killing animals and turning them into various products. “We deliberately created a safe environment for workers and we also pay them a hell of a lot more than slaughterhouse workers,” Brown said, explaining that all of his employees are provided with necessary personal protective equipment and are able to maintain social distancing at Impossible’s Oakland, CA production facility, which is sanitized often.

在不可能食品公司,工作人员并不需要参与宰杀动物并将其制成各种产品的多步骤繁琐过程。“我们为本公司的工作人员精心创造安全的健康环境,并且为他们提供比屠宰场工人高出很多的薪酬福利,”布朗解释称,本公司在加州奥克兰市的生产基地经常进行清洁消毒,他的所有员工均配备了必要的个人防护装备,并且在工作时能够保持社交疏离(social distancing)。

Brown’s overarching goal with Impossible Foods is to replace all food animals with plant-based products by 2035, a mission that the CEO, in part, plans to achieve by becoming more price-competitive with animal meat. In early March, the company—which has raised $1.3 billion in funding to date—reduced the wholesale price of its plant-based meat by 15 percent. “The ultimate way to ensure the demise of the [animal-agriculture] industry is to replace it with something better,” Brown said. “As the price comes down, eventually it will be game over for the animal-agriculture industry.”


In June, the company is also releasing its first official cookbook, Impossible: The Cookbook ($29.99), which is available now for pre-order. The book contains a chapter featuring burgers and other recipes created for chefs of all levels that highlight the many uses of its plant-based meat. Impossible Foods is donating $3 from each book sale to hunger-relief organization No Kid Hungry and has, to date, donated approximately 100,000 pounds of Impossible Burgers to food banks to aid COVID-19 relief.

不可能食品公司将在六月份发行其首本官方烹饪书“Impossible: The Cookbook”(售价29.99美元),而且现在就接受读者对该书的预订。这本烹饪书突出展示了该公司植物肉产品的广泛用途,其中有一章专门讲解汉堡食品的做法,此外还有大量美味食谱供各级厨师参考。不可能食品公司每售出一本书就捐3美元给赈饥组织“别让孩子挨饿”(No Kid Hungry)。迄今,该公司已向食物银行(food banks)捐赠了大约100,000磅的“不可能汉堡”产品,以积极支援COVID-19疫情救济工作。

On May 14, the company will host an all-day “Impossible Cook-a-Thon” on its Facebook page featuring actor Eric Wareheim (one half of comedic duo Tim & Eric) and chef Traci Des Jardins in an effort to further raise awareness and donations for No Kid Hungry’s efforts around its COVID-19 response.

5月14日,不可能食品公司将在其脸书专页(Facebook page)上全天举行“不可能烹饪马拉松”(Impossible Cook-a-Thon)活动。本次活动由男明星艾里克·维尔海姆(Eric Wareheim)(喜剧二人组“蒂姆和艾里克”的成员之一)和名厨特蕾西·德·雅尔丹(Traci Des Jardins)共同主持,旨在为支持“别让孩子挨饿”组织的COVID-19疫情应对工作加强宣传和开展募捐。


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