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Over 1,700 NYC Public Schools To Launch ‘Vegan Fridays’ To Improve Public Health

NYC mayor Eric Adams said the school system’s current menu is ‘feeding the healthcare crisis’
纽约市长埃里克·亚当斯(Eric Adams)表示,学校系统的原有菜单“助长医疗保健危机”

by Jemima Webber
作者:Jemima Webber

7th February 2022

A new initiative called Vegan Fridays is rolling out across New York City’s public school system, which is the largest in the country. The program will see K-12 students eating plant-based meals one day a week.
纽约市的公立学校系统是美国最大的学区,正在推广一项名为“纯素星期五”(Vegan Fridays)的新计划,让幼儿园至12年级(K-12)学生每周有一天实行植物性饮食。

Newly elected NYC mayor, Eric Adams, stresses that the policy will improve the health and “quality of life” of students in the city. There’s an estimated more than 1.1 million students in over 1,700 public schools across NYC.

“In one voice, we talk about fighting childhood obesity, diabetes yet you go into a school building every day and you see the food that feeds our healthcare crisis,” Adams said in January.

“The children have been calling me and saying they want better food in schools, and I’m going to do the best I can to give them the options of a more healthier diet so we can stop feeding the crisis,” he added.

Adams won the mayoral vote in November, and became the city’s second Black and first vegan mayor in doing so. The politician first picked up a plant-based diet in 2016, and credits it for reversing his diabetes diagnosis.

Adams spoke about the school meal plan on Fox 5’s Good Day New York last week. He explained: “I love healthy food, and I love life, and our children should not continually be fed food that’s causing their healthcare crises: childhood obesity, childhood diabetes, asthma … We should not be feeding the crises.”
上周参加福克斯5频道的《Good Day New York》节目时,亚当斯谈到了校餐计划。他解释说:“我喜欢健康食品,我热爱生活。不应该继续给我们的孩子提供造成医疗保健危机的食品,例如:儿童肥胖症、儿童糖尿病、哮喘病……我们不应该助长这些危机。”

A growing number of studies have highlighted the link between plant-based diets and a lowered risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.

In contrast, researchers are finding that meat – especially processed and red meat – could increase the risk of such diseases. For instance, in 2015, the World Health Organization classed processed meat – such as bacon, pepperoni, and hot dogs – as a Group 1 carcinogen. Asbestos, tobacco smoking, and plutonium, among others, are also in this category.
相比之下,研究人员发现(食用)肉类──特别是加工肉制品和红肉──能够增加这些疾病的风险。例如,在2015年,世界卫生组织(WHO)将加工肉制品归类为一级致癌物(Group 1 carcinogen),其中包括培根(bacon)、意大利辣香肠(pepperoni)、热狗(hot dog)等。石棉、吸烟(香烟)、钚等也属于这一类的致癌物。

Meat-free days at public schools

Health concerns spurred on a similar plant-forward approach in 2019, when the NYC’s Department of Education introduced Meatless Mondays at all public schools in the city. And in April 2021, Meatless Fridays joined the rotation too.
2019年,由于健康问题促成了植物导向(plant-forward)方法的采纳,纽约市教育局(DOE)在本市所有公立学校开始实施“无肉星期一”(Meatless Mondays)饮食计划。到了2021年4月,学校的轮换菜单进一步增加了“无肉星期五”(Meatless Fridays)。

“Our children are weighing in — they’re doing food testing, they’re determining the type of food they want that’s healthy,” Adams continued. “And you know what? They asked for this. They are tired of the food they are being fed in their schools, and they want healthy options.”

The school meal guidelines impact more than children’s health, the mayor noted. “We have to do a better job in the food that we serve and we have to move away from our fixation on the products that are also destroying our environment,” Adams explained. “That is often not talked about. We talk about fossil fuel, we talk about ‘we need electric vehicles.’ No one is talking about the plate.”

“The plate is not only destroying mother nature, it is destroying our mothers and our children as well.”
“餐盘(里的动物产品)不仅在摧毁大自然母亲(mother nature),而且也在摧毁我们的母亲和我们的孩子。”

Putting kids’ health first

Non-vegan options (peanut butter and jelly sandwiches) will be available on request under the new policy. Additionally, schools will still offer animal milk with every meal as per the current guidelines.

Last week, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) updated the country’s school nutrition standards – specifically, its milk, sodium, and whole grain recommendations.

The federal agency stated that schools and childcare providers can only offer low-fat or non-fat cow’s milk.

It’s part of the government’s aim to “put children’s health at the forefront,” the organization says.

This is doubly important given that students consume their healthiest meals at school, according to agriculture secretary Tom Vilsack.
此举尤为重要。据美国农业部长汤姆·维尔萨克(Tom Vilsack)介绍,校餐是学生们享受到的最健康饮食。

“Nutritious school meals give America’s children the foundation for successful, healthy lives,” Vilsack said in a statement. “We applaud schools’ heroic efforts throughout the challenges of this pandemic to continue serving kids the most nutritious meals possible.”



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