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“We’re Preparing For Our First Hen Liberation” – Mother and Daughter Vegan Activists 4 – Tess and Mollie Ford

by Sandra Kyle | Jun 10, 2022 | Activism, Veganism | 0 comments
作者:Sandra Kyle | 2022年6月10日 | 行动主义,纯素食主义 | 0 评论

Next in our series of mother and daughter vegan activists we meet Tess and Mollie Ford.
在我们关于母女纯素活动家的系列报道中,接下来我们采访了苔丝(Tess)和莫莉·福特(Mollie Ford)。

Tess, as a new vegan, you must have a clear idea of when and why you gave up meat and dairy. Can you tell us about that?

About three years ago my husband James and I watched a documentary on Netflix called “Game Changers”. It was a very convincing documentary mostly coming from a health point of view, and was the first time I discovered that not only was meat not necessary in my diet, but that it could even be causing me harm. More importantly, we have 3 growing girls. We are responsible for what is going into their perfect little bodies. Needless to say, we were convinced. We straight away decided to cut meat out of our diets – literally overnight – and cut down on dairy also. At this point our decision was largely based on health and less on ethical reasoning. However… I was eager to learn more.
大约三年前,我的丈夫詹姆斯(James)和我在网飞(Netflix)上观看了一部名为“Game Changers”(《素食者联盟》)的纪录片。主要从健康角度出发,这是一部非常有说服力的纪录片。当时我也是第一次发现,我的饮食不但不需要肉类,反而肉食还会对我造成伤害。更重要的是,我们有3个正在成长的女儿。至于什么食物适合她们完美的幼小身子,这个我们是需要把好关的。不用说,(看完纪录片后)我们信服了。我们立马决定把肉类从我们的饮食中去掉──真的是一夜之间的事──同时还削减了奶制品的食用量。这个时候我们的决定主要依据健康理由,却没怎么进行伦理推理(ethical reasoning)。然而……我渴望了解更多。

Over the next couple of years I went about my new vegetarian life, patting myself on the back and proudly declaring my moral highground wherever I went. I remember seeing the Anonymous for the Voiceless group out in central Wellington at one stage and making sure to mention to one of the activists, I was “almost there”. I continued to educate myself with all the vegan documentaries I could find, the first one being “Dominion”. Anyone who has watched this knows how eye-opening it is in terms of how animals are used and abused all over the world. Bizarrely, I didn’t at that point want to make the next step I knew in my heart I needed to.
在随后的几年里,我过上了我新的素食生活,自鸣得意;每到一处,我都要自豪地宣扬我的“道德高地”。记得有一次在惠灵顿(Wellington)市中心,我看到Anonymous for the Voiceless(“无名为无声”)组织在外面(搞活动),我还特地告诉其中一名活动人士,我“快到那里了”(快要成为纯素食者)。我继续用我能找到的所有纯素纪录片来进行自我教育,其中第一部是“Dominion”(《统治》)。这部影片揭露了全世界利用和虐待动物的(残酷)做法,无论谁看了都会目瞪口呆,眼界大开。奇怪的是,这时我还没有想要迈出自己内心知道需要走的下一步。

I’m an enthusiastic baker and justified my continued purchase of dairy as necessary, telling myself that what I was doing was enough. Besides, how can anyone possibly bake without eggs/milk/butter?! Yet I kept watching more and learning more about animal cruelty. My new heroes were animal activists: Tash Peterson, Joey Carbstrong, Leah Doellinger, Earthling Ed to name just a few. I remember very clearly, one evening I was sitting in bed watching some hidden camera footage of a farm where mother pigs (sows) were kept. I sat there crying and watching and crying. The switch finally went on in my head. I could no longer participate in/pay for the emotional, physical, and sexual abuse/murder of gentle, trusting, innocent, sentient beings. The 28th of August, 2021 was the first day of being vegan and I know I’ll never look back.
我是一名热忱的面包师,当时以为自己继续购买奶制品是有必要的,还一边自我安慰说:我现在所做的已经足够了。而且,谁能够烘焙食品不用鸡蛋/牛奶/黄油?!可是我继续观看更多的纪录片,就了解更多虐待动物的行为。我心目中的新英雄变成了动物权利活动家:Tash Peterson、Joey Carbstrong、Leah Doellinger、Earthling Ed,这里仅举几个例子。我记得很清楚,有一天晚上,我坐在床上观看一些隐蔽拍摄的农场录像,那里正是猪妈妈(母猪)被圈养的地方。我就坐在床上一边哭一边看,一直哭个不停。我的头脑终于豁然开朗。我不能再参与/付钱支持对温驯、天真、无辜的有情众生进行情感、身体和性方面的虐待/杀害。2021年8月28日是本人成为纯素食者(vegan)的第一天,我也知道自己决不会走回头路了。

You have not imposed veganism on your children, but Mollie made her own decision to go vegan, is that right?

I have not shied away from showing my girls some footage of what happens to animals, as well as discussing it. I don’t believe it’s okay to lie to kids about something so violent that they unknowingly are too, participating in. When I became vegan I became intensely passionate about it overnight! However, the girls when out and about with friends and absolutely had the choice to continue eating meat or dairy. A few months ago, Mollie, my oldest, who was 12 at the time, just came out and said she was ready to “go vegan”. She had watched and learned enough that she was ready to make that choice. I had made sure to say to the girls, it is a commitment. I didn’t want them to be people who would say they were vegan “most of the time”. In my view, it’s all or nothing. I know that when they say they’re ready, it means they absolutely are.

You and Mollie are now definitely vegan for the animals. What kind of animal rights actions have you done together?

Mollie has come to two vigils with me to a Whanganui slaughterhouse where we have bore witness to animals before they are sent to slaughter. We have also joined Anonymous for the Voiceless in Wellington, and participated in a Cube of Truth together, as well as “Make the Connection” outreaches. In our day-to-day life we do small things whenever we can for the animals. The area we live in has a lot of bush and farmland. When we are out walking, we often stop and spend time talking to and loving on the sheep, horses and cows. We are preparing for our first hen liberation and hope to create a home for them with us. This is just the beginning for us I’m sure!
莫莉和我到旺格努伊(Whanganui)的一家屠宰场守夜两次,在那里见证了动物被送去屠宰前的情况。我们也加入了惠灵顿的Anonymous for the Voiceless组织,一起参加了Cube of Truth (“真相方阵”)以及Make the Connection(“联系起来吧”)外展活动。在我们的日常生活中,只要可以的话,我们随时都会为动物做些小事情。我们居住的地方有很多灌木丛和农田。我们出去散步的时候,经常会停下来,花些时间跟遇到的羊、马和牛说说话,表达我们对它们的关爱之情。我们正在准备进行我们第一次的母鸡解放行动,并希望为它们建立一个和我们朝夕相伴的家园。我真的觉得,我们现在做的才只是个开始!

You must have been proud of Mollie when she told you she wanted to go vegan. What else about Mollie’s advocacy for animals makes you proud?

Mollie has had some kids at school make some ignorant and quite frankly revolting comments over the last few months. I am proud that although she is shy by nature, she has been learning to stick up for herself and her morals in a tactful way. I’m extremely proud of the fact that she is so intentional with her vegan journey. She is diligent with checking the backs of packets at the supermarket and is adventurous with trying new foods! I have an Animal Save hoodie which Mollie proudly wears everywhere. She is an inspiration to me.
过去的几个月里,莫莉在学校招来了一些孩子的无知而且确实粗鲁的评论。让我感到骄傲的是,虽然她天生比较害羞,但一直在学习如何机智得体地维护她自己以及她的道德准则。她是如此坚定不移地走自己的纯素道路,这也是令我无比自豪的一个事实。她在超市里会认真查看商品包装背面的内容,平时也能够大胆尝试新的食物!我有一件Animal Save(“拯救动物”)的宣传服,莫莉无论到哪里都自豪地穿着它。她对我是一种激励。

Thank you for your time Tess!

all or nothing:非黑即白(的问题、事情、方法等)。在本文中指一个人要么是要么不是纯素食者,即不存在“大多数时候是纯素食者”的含糊不清的说法。这里主要是明确有关概念,而不是要歧视非纯素食者。
Anonymous for the Voiceless:“无名为无声”。这是一家非营利的动物权利组织,在全世界开展街头宣传活动,教育公众支持动物权利,实行纯素生活方式,积极为动物(无声者)发声。
Cube of Truth:“真相方阵”。这是该组织在街上举行的一种独特的宣传活动形式,每次都有两班人马参加。其中一拨人身着黑衣,脸戴面具(匿名者),按方阵队形站立,手捧标牌或屏幕,向外展示或播放动物农业的残酷真相。另一拨人则与感兴趣的路人交谈,为他们答疑解惑,引导他们走上纯素道路。
Make the Connection:“联系起来吧”。这是一个类似于Cube of Truth的宣传教育活动,让公众了解动物农业的残酷真相,思考盘子里的动物类食品是从哪里来的,即将吃肉与杀生(动物苦难)“联系起来”,最终自觉采纳纯素生活方式。


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