
超级科学的纳迪占星术将破译你的灵魂旅程的故事,你会了解你的过去、现在和未来。纳迪占星术也被称为Nadi Jyotish,意思是“寻找光之科学的通道”。更为超级的是,纳迪既是指纹科学,也是声音科学。

投山仙人是印度众所周知的圣人,不同宗教人士皆顶礼投山仙人。传说湿婆神的婚礼在凯拉什(今冈仁波齐)举行,三界神魔人兽皆前往参加,导致世界向凯拉什倾斜而失衡,湿婆神命令投山仙人前往南印度以平衡世界。于是投山仙人前往南印度平衡了世界,最后,他也从婆提亚(Potiya Hill)山目睹到了这场婚礼。除此之外,投山仙人还把科维利河(Cauvery)带到南印度。所有这些都显示了他在科学领域的能力。



总论:通过拇指指纹(男士右手,女士左手,或相关人的星象表)来找到对应的纳迪叶,将包括命主姓名、父母姓名、目前职业细节、兄弟姐们、孩子、妻子,全部12宫未来预测的要点。兄弟姐们几个、亲情、自己和兄弟姐们间帮助或不和,耳朵,胆量。孩子及其出生、不生孩子的原因、收养孩子、孩子的未来生活。一段婚姻,婚姻延迟的原因。新娘/新郎的姓名、行星位置,新郎住所距离。与丈夫/妻子的未来生活。寿命、生活意外和危险,年龄的月份、日期、天、小时、星辰、行星位置,死亡地点。父亲,关于父亲的预测,财富、朝拜寺庙、幸运、来自圣人的建议,慈善行为、幸运宝石、颜色、数字、哪天。职业、关于工作或生意的未来预测,变动地址、职业中的好恶。Santhi Pariharam: 前世、恶业、摆脱前世罪孽的解决方案。Deekshai Kandam: 持咒(manthra japam),带护身符(rakshai)以避免敌人、困境等等。Aushadha Kandam: 针对长期疾病的药物和服用方法。灵性的发展,获得智慧和神的可能性,传授智慧的古鲁。Disabukthi kandam:(特殊收费):运行disa bukthi(大、次周期)预测。对社会服务和政治生活的预测。2-12章,将通过对明细资料的精读,给出直到生命结束前的未来预测。还有特殊的KandamSivandi Thulliam和Sivanadi Sukshmam,由于其专业性和精细细节,费用会更高。为了在政治和政治关系上的成功,有特别的章节,除了上述各章,还有Gnanakandam、Prasana Kandam、Disabukthi Santhi Kandam。根据该家族至今所拥有的经验,以及客户反馈的信息了解到,该中心保存的棕榈叶记录所阐述的预测只适合80%的当地人,并且只适合80%的访客。不论我们多么聪明或愚蠢,我们不过是被无形之手操纵的木偶。这无形之手就是业力!纳迪占星让您认清这无形之手,使您能够活在觉知中!

领队罗达克里希那博士,系印度著名圣城哈鲁德瓦(Haridwar)的Gurukul Kangri大学瑜伽科学博士,正规系统学习过瑜伽相关的所有课程;学习过印度古代哲学智慧体系(包括《吠陀经》、吠檀多、《瑜伽经》、《薄伽梵歌》、《奥义书》等等);还学习过阿育吠陀及自然疗法相关课程;师从过多位修成大成就的上师,他曾师从印度最著名的吠檀多大师、梵文伟大学者斯瓦米·戴阳南达·萨拉斯瓦提(Swami Dayananda Saraswati,其弟子遍及世界各地,很多弟子是印度的名人,比如印度前总统及印度现任总理莫迪)。有20多年的瑜伽教学背景,知识广博,经验丰富,培训过的学生遍布中国及世界各地。精通英语、印地语、梵语、泰米尔语(泰米尔纳德邦方言)、马里雅拉姆语(喀拉拉邦方言),会简单汉语。


The ‘Super Science’ of Nadi Astrology will shed light on the story of your Soul’s Journey. Nadi Astrology is an ancient super science that sheds light on the journey of your soul and helps you understand your past, present, and future. Also known as Nadi Jyotish, which means ‘Seek the Channel of the Science of Light’. Even more ‘super’ is that Nadi is the Science of Thumb prints and the Science of Sounds too.Nadi Astrology uses your thumb impression to discover your Nadi Leaf and predict your destiny from the readings written as a divine song.That is one difference in Nadi Astrology that sets it apart from traditional astrology that requires you to give your birth details. There are around 108 classifications of human, and from there, your unique thumb print is detailed down to find your soul grouping or bundle that contains anywhere from 20 to 25 individual leaves. Then the Nadi Reader uses the sounds inscribed on the leaves to hone in on your exact leaf.Nadi astrology originated from whom?The Divine Predictions that Nadi Astrology gives are based on the ancient and sacred inscriptions etched on palm leaves that are collectively known as Nadi. Nadi originated with The Great Rishi Agastya of India. He was the first Mind Scientists achieved the highest of consciousness through superlatively focused meditative practices, sound waves and other esoteric techniques. This transcendental knowledge allowed him to surpass this limited linear time reality to see the life stories, both past and future, of all souls. His sight into the future showed him the difficulties that would prevail in modern times. Out of his deep compassion for humanity, this advanced and accelerated Rishi Agastya wanted to provide an opportunity for people to discover and transform their destinies and evolve their souls. The Soul Stories that they saw were written down. Not only gives predictions but also remedies to dissolve your karma and course correct your life in the right direction.Rishi Agastya familiarly known to all Indians, the people belonging to all religions hail Rishi Agastya. Rishi Agastya balanced the world by traveling to south at the time of the marriage of Lord Shiva solemnized at Kailash and ultimately viewed the marriage at Potiya Hill. Apart from this, Rishi Agastya brought river Cauvery to South India. All these aspects reveal his competence in the field of Science.In ancient times, information was passed down orally. The written word came several thousands years after that. That is when scribesstarted to record much of India’s literary, scientific, spiritual and astrological heritage of over thousands of years. Granite slabs, thin copper plates, and tree bark were some of the mediums used for recording information, but for the Nadi information, leaves of palm were the choice.The Rishis had special scribes carefully etch each letter of your story into the dried leaf with a special tool or stylus. This was done all by hand to avoid splitting the leaf. The writing was almost always continuous,without any space between words. This is one reason why the reading of the leaves requires training, as well as an understanding of the ancient languages of Tamil or Sanskrit. When the etching was complete, lamp black or turmeric was applied to increase contrast and make it readable, and oil was rubbed in to help preserve them. A bundle of leaves in the same thumb print category, or soul grouping, were then bound with a cord between two wooden covers.How will Nadi Benefit You?A great value of the Nadi is that it gives you understanding of the link from your prior birth to your current life. Another, even greater value of Nadi, is that provides the exact ways to transform the residual karma of that prior birth. Your past really can come to haunt you. The Rishis not only wrote down your soul’s road map on your Nadi leaf, but also prescribed a list of ‘remedies’ or ‘course corrections’ that will put you back on a favorable path. You really can correct past mistakes or errors injudgment. Most often these remedies have you go to vortexes to make simple offerings. We are all energetic beings. By resonating with the energy aspecific vortex, your past unfavorable karmic energy signature gets retuned and your being gets rerouted back to a right path. Most often these energy vortices are temples in India. However, depending on the nature of your karma needing to be remediated, churches, mosques and other specific locations are on occasion prescribed. The performance of the listed remedies negates the residual effectsof your past actions and allows you to progress with your ambitions in this life time.The centre is oneof the oldest Nadi astrological centers in the world and recognizedthroughout the world. The family in the past 4th generation in thesuccessful path of this eternal service to their beloved Customersacross the universe on serving this service from their authority ascendants.
To be found out through thump impression (Gents right, ladies left or horoscope of the concerned person. Will contain name, parents name,present details of profession, brothers, sisters, children , wife and gist of future predictions for all the 12 houses.Money, eyes, family, education and speechNumber of brothers and sisters, affection, help or ill feeling in between self and brothers and sister ears, courage.Mother, house, vehicles, lands and pleasuresChildren, their birth, reason for not having children,adoption of children, future lives of the children.Disease, debts, enemies & court casesPeriod of marriage, reasons for delay in marriage. Name,lagnam of bride or bridegroom planetary positions, distance of residence of the bridegroom. Future life with husband or wife.Longevity, accident & danger to life, age month, date,day, times, star, lagnam and place of death.Father, prediction in regard to father, wealth, visit to temples, luck, upadesam from holy men, charitable deeds, lucky gems, colors,numbers and days.Profession, future predictions in regard to job or business,change of place, good & evils in profession.Profits and second marriage.Expenditure, foreign visit, next birth or attainment of salvation.Santhi Pariharam: last birth, sins committed, remedial measures for getting rid of the effect of the past birth’s sins.Deekshai Kandam: manthra japam. Wearing of rakshai(talisman)for avoidance of enemies, troubles, ect.Aushadha Kandam: medicines for long standing disease and methods of taking them. Development of spirituality, the possibility, of attaining wisdom and God. The Guru of preceptor, from whom to get wisdom etc.Disabukthi kandam: (at special rate) prediction for the running disa bukthi(major, sub period). Predictions about social service and political life.Kandams 2 to 12 will give the future predictions up to the end of life from the data of perusal of the kandam.Special Kandam Sivandi Thulliam & Sivanadi Sukshmam are also available. Because of their specialized nature and elaborate details fees will be higher. For success in politics and political connections special Kandam is available, other than the above Kandam there are Gnanakandam,PrasanaKandam and Disabukthi Santhi Kandam.Experiences our family has so far and feed back from our clientele makes us to learn that the predictions being expounded through the records of palm leaves we preserve/aptly suit to the natives only 80% that istoo only 80% of the total visitors.