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雀巢在欧洲和美国推出100%纯植物基汉堡 | Nestlé Plant-Based Burgers???



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Nestlé announced its biggest move yet into the meat-free market, launching a new 'cook from raw' plant-based burger in Europe, and unveiling plans for the United States.

图片来源/Source: instagram - @tumis_wellness

雀巢食品业务负责人Wayne England说,“这些新汉堡在味道、质地和烹饪体验上毫不逊色,它们凸显了雀巢越来越注重美味的、真正的植物性食物。我们相信这一趋势会持续下去,因为消费者会寻找不同的方式来享受和平衡蛋白质摄入,通过饮食来减少环境中的碳足迹。”

Wayne England, the head of Nestlé's food business, said: "These new burgers don’t compromise on flavor, texture and cooking experience. They underline Nestlé's increased focus on tasty, authentic plant-based food. We believe this trend is here to stay, as consumers look at different ways to enjoy and balance their protein intake and lower the environmental footprint of their diets."


图片来源/Source: instagram - @tumis_wellness

The Garden Gourmet在今年4月在欧洲推出Incredible Burger,相继去到了奥地利、比利时、丹麦、芬兰、德国、荷兰、挪威和瑞典。

The Garden Gourmet Incredible Burger will launch in Europe from this April, first coming to Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.


The Garden Gourmet的汉堡是100%纯植物的,它的天然蛋白质取自大豆和小麦。天然植物提取物——甜菜根、胡萝卜和灯笼椒——有助于在烹饪前、烹饪中和烹饪后形成牛肉汉堡的外观。汉堡将陈列在放在冷藏或冷冻区,以补充The Garden Gourmet现有的系列产品。

The Garden Gourmet Incredible Burger is 100% plant-based, with natural protein from soy and wheat. Natural plant extracts – beetroot, carrot, and bell pepper – help create the look of a beef burger before, during, and after cooking. The burger will be found in the chilled or frozen aisle, complementing Garden Gourmet’s existing range of products.


除了植物汉堡,从今年8月起,雀巢公司根据美国消费者特点,将在Sweet Earth 旗下推出一款植物基汉堡,叫Awesome Burger,这是一款现做汉堡,它将补充Sweet Earth现有的以素食为中心的产品线。

Beginning this fall, Nestlé will also roll out a cook from raw plant-based burger in the United States under the Sweet Earth brand, customized for the American consumer. Called the Awesome Burger, this new burger, to be sold fresh, will complement Sweet Earth’s existing veggie-centric burgers sold today.



Many consumers recognize that less meat in their diet is good for them and for the planet, but plant-based meat alternatives often do not live up to their expectations. The new burgers allow even meat lovers to enjoy a veggie burger that hardly differs from a traditional burger. They even make the sizzling sound of a regular beef burger during cooking.


雀巢利用其在食品方面的专业知识开发新的汉堡,符合其提高生活质量和促进健康未来的目的。这是烹饪厨师、蛋白质替代品研究人员和当地美食专家在Garden Gourmet以及Sweet Earth合作的结果。

Nestlé used its expertise in food to develop the new burgers, in line with its purpose of enhancing quality of life and contributing to a healthier future. They are the result of collaboration between culinary chefs, alternative protein researchers and local food experts at both Garden Gourmet and Sweet Earth.


正如Wayne England所说:“我们为能够通过所信任的品牌让每个人都能享用到健康和可持续的食品而骄傲。这包括我们在欧洲的Garden Gourmet系列和在美国的Sweet Earth 旗下的植物性食品。”

As Wayne England added: "We’re proud of our ability to make healthy and sustainable food accessible to everyone through our trusted brands. This includes plant-based food products under our Garden Gourmet range in Europe and the Sweet Earth brand in the U.S."



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