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地球上最酷的维根巧克力来中国啦 | Sustainable Vegan Chocolate Enters China



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They sent me the samples and I thought, well, another vegan ‘imported’ product. Pfff. What could possibly be interesting about vegan chocolates? We have enough dark chocolates [accidentally vegan of course] in the city. What impact is this product going to bring?


Boy was I wrong.

纽俏的创始人Mathias Tholey居住在德国,和他交谈令我非常好奇:是什么让像他这样年轻的企业家关注地球的可持续发展,所以我请他描述一下纽俏对他来说意味着什么,为什么有环保意识的人都应该关注这款巧克力。

I had the unique opportunity to chat with Mathias Tholey, founder of Nuchoc who resides in Germany. Curious about what led a young entrepreneur like him into the world of sustainability, I asked him to paint me a picture of what the product means to him and why eco conscious consumers should pay attention to this delicious chocolatey treat.

Mathias来自德国Saint Wendel,他原是一名工程师,后来成为一名有影响力的企业家,为现代食品可持续性问题提供了商业解决方案。

Hailing from Saint Wendel, Germany, Mathias is an Industrial Engineer turned Impact Entrepreneur with a Commercial Solution to modern world’s food sustainability issues.


I grew up close to a vegetable and animal farm that my stepfather managed. Slaughter of the animals was inevitable but what intrigued about this farm was that it employed disabled people and offered a livelihood for them to lead decent lives. So, it is not entirely surprising that this might be part what lead to having empathy and compassion towards issues that do not necessarily affect a person directly.


Now that I think about it, I remember that all the soybeans used to feed the animals in this small farm was from Brazil! Compared to locally sourced beans, the produce from South American was super competitive in prices and farmers had little choice but to buy them. This is perhaps my early life surprise towards how unsustainable certain farming practices can be.

Igazu 瀑布是自然的处女地,壮观,魅力四射。那一刻深感地球便是母亲。我很清楚当我认识到这一点的时候,我便要去保护这个星球。| Iguazu Waterfalls. Untouched Nature. Spectacular. Enchanting. Mother Earth. I knew when I saw this, I need to fight to preserve this planet.




Unfortunately, the rainforests in the world right now are far from untouched by man. The deforestation issues due to unsustainable farming practices is something that may seem beyond a rational mind’s comprehension.


I spent around 6 months in Birmingham in UK. You might think that living in a first world country, one would have access to healthy food. Wrong! Food available in the University area was highly processed, poor in nutrition and most of the time inedible. My friend and I would cook and bring our food, almost all the time.


This time was particularly hard for me, as I struggled all my childhood with weak immune system. But I was not going to give up on my health; I travelled to India, read dozen and dozens of books on Ayurveda and learned the principles of curing your more critical illnesses with nutrition.


These two experiences combined, inspired me to create a recipe with my friend and before we knew, this friend was my co-founder and I was bootstrapping funds and starting to write a business plan.

纽俏自2017年推出产品,就迅速在50多个国家扩张。 中国是我们关注的国家之一。

We launched products in 2017 and are rapidly expanding in more than 50 countries. China is one of our focus countries.


Focus on ONE idea. It is tempting to want to try a variety of products, flavors, concepts, but as a start-up, one is bound to get overwhelmed, confused and burn out quickly. Pick ONE idea. Don’t aim for perfection, aim to be pragmatic and follow through with the plan.

Nu: 营养(Nutritious)的缩写。+代表它有更多的额外的益处。Choc 代表(chocolate)巧克力。

Nu: is short for Nutritious. + is to symbolize additional benefits. Choc is of course chocolate!

高营养的天然成分结合在一起的好处是提供最佳供给,身体可以吸收它们。我们只使用高品质的天然成分-没有合成添加剂或防腐剂。高品质的有机成分,如火麻仁、生可可豆和西印度针叶樱桃。提供欧米茄-3、9种必需氨基酸中的8种、抗氧化剂、镁和维生素C。为此,我们与来自TU Dresden的食品化学家Tom Teichert合作,并获得了现有的启动资金,从联邦经济部获得创新配方和生产方法。

Natural ingredients with a high nutrient density have been combined in such a way that your body can absorb them as well as possible and is therefore optimally supplied. We only use high-quality natural ingredients - no synthetic additives or preservatives. High quality, organic ingredients such as hemp seeds, raw cocao and acerola provide you with omega-3s, 8 of the 9 essential aminoacids , antioxidants, magnesium and vitamin C. For this we worked together with the food chemist Tom Teichert from TU Dresden, and were awarded the Exist start-up grant from the Federal Ministry of Economics for the innovative recipe and production method.



A high carbohydrate content is out of place for snacks. In the long term, carbohydrates such as sugars increase the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.


Nuchoc supplies you with secondary plant substances, proteins, minerals, vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids at snacks between meals, With 16.5% carbohydrates, it has a very low proportion compared to conventional chocolate.


Oh yes, nutrition was always at the core of creating this product, but I will not forget about the packaging. It something that that has always been in my mind since the time I was in Brazil. So, for our chocolate bars, we do not use plastic wrappers.


Haha, it is NOT! Although it looks like plastic, we use compostable cellulose foil to wrap our chocolates, along with FSC certified cardboard as an exterior packaging. It also biodegradable and composting it is as simple as burying under the ground in your garden. It breaks down in 3 to 6 months.


Protecting the environment alone is no longer enough. We want to help nature to regenerate so that future generations can live in a world worth living in. As a company, we see it as our responsibility to ensure that consumption has no negative consequences for our planet. But more than that. We believe we must use our leverage to turn the balance into a positive one. What our earth urgently needs is new biomass that binds CO2 - trees, many of them!


THE 1-FOR-1 PRINCIPLE: With every product sold we plant a tree. So simple, so effective. We work together with the renowned reforestation network Eden Projects. Monthly we donate the appropriate amount and get a detailed report where the trees were planted and how they help people and nature.

Yes, that is correct. With a box of 12 bars of Nuchoc you can plant 12 mangroves in Madagascar, thus binding ~ 3600kg CO2. The CO2 saved corresponds to the emissions of an almost 6-day car journey without interruption. Alternatively, you could leave a light bulb burning for 32 years. Monthly we donate the appropriate amount and get a detailed report where the trees were planted and how they help people and nature.



We have just got started and we want any and all feedback from our consumers to help us improve.


购买 Nuchoc 5支装



15% off exclusive for VoS followers 

buy 5 bars get 1 chill bag for free 

Eco-friendly delivery package


We designed this eco-friendly chill bag just in time for summer! It will keep your chocolate nice and cool. Reuse it as much as possible to avoid plastic waste. Oh yea, and the delivery package is eco-friendly too!


 Click the mini program below 

to place your order now!


Follow us on WeChat for more information!



Nuchoc is available as part of the goodiebag 



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