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COVID-19 pandemic increases the number of Spanish supermarkets offering plant-based meat

●    Awareness of the consequences of animal meat consumption will affect the shopping list
●    人们对动物肉类消费后果的了解将影响其购物清单

●    Despite the situation, Heura has expanded by 13.7% in points of sale in Spain during the lockdown period
●    在疫情封锁期间,尽管经济形势不佳,Heura系列植物肉产品在西班牙的销售额依然增长了13.7%

Barcelona, May 7th, 2020; - Spanish supermarkets as everywhere in the world have seen great growth rates in the last two months and consequently, so have consumer brands. "This growth with an awareness of the consequences of animal meat consumption will impact the shopping list, it has driven segments that are increasingly in demand by consumers and the retail sector is expanding its offer accordingly, " explains Bernat Añaños, Heura co-founder.
2020年5月7日,巴塞罗那──在过去的两个月里,西班牙超市和世界各地的(植物肉产品)销售均出现了大幅增长,而(植物肉)消费品牌的业务也同样是水涨船高。Heura品牌联合创始人贝尔纳特·阿纳诺(Bernat Añaños)解释说:“这种销售增长加上人们对动物肉类消费后果的了解将影响消费者的购物清单内容。人们消费意识的提高也促进了一些(植物肉产品)细分市场的发展,广大消费者的需求不断增加,而零售业也相应地扩大产品供应。”

"Heura has expanded its retail distribution by 13.7% in Spain during the lockdown with more supermarkets than ever offering our products on their shelves despite the current situation, " explains Añaños and adds that "analysts indicate that 10-20% of the current global protein market will soon be displaced by plant-based alternatives due to a significant increase in consumer interest driven by a combination of health, safety, environmental and animal welfare concerns. "

Heura is currently the fastest growing European startup in the plant based meat industry with a 450% growth during the last year. In 2020 the Barcelona based company expects to save over 1.5 million animals with their range of products which include plant based chicken, burgers and meatballs.

"Heura's main differentiation relies in its focus on nutritional values and clean label products, with fewer ingredients than competitors, Yuka nutritional app ranks excellent all our products, " points out Heura's co-founder. "Our Mediterranean roots and love for food cannot be hidden, we are the only ones made with olive oil, " concludes Añaños.
Heura品牌的联合创始人指出:“Heura品牌的主要差异点体现在注重营养价值和清洁标签(clean label)产品方面,我们产品所使用的配料少于竞争对手的。Yuka营养应用软件将我们所有的产品都评为‘优秀’(excellent)。”阿纳诺最后说道:“我们的地中海根源和对食物的热爱是无法掩藏的。我们是唯一使用橄榄油配料制作植物肉产品的厂家。”



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