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问题 Question:

父母的问题来源于不能承担孩子玩iPad 带来的后果,孩子的问题来源于特别想玩但又控制不了玩的时间。父母想强制让孩子戒掉,对孩子造成了极大的心理反抗。

The problem of the parents comes from that they cannot take the consequences of their kids iPad-playing. The problem of the kid, on the other side, comes from that he is desperately craving for playing but he cannot control the time. Parents want to force their child to quit his iPad, which leads to a great psychological resistance from their kid.

方法 Method:


Parents should sincerely tell their kid that they cannot bear the consequences of his playing on the iPad. At the same time, they should also provide several foreseeable observations and recommendations to allow their child to make his own choices, as long as he has no regrets. The two parties could work out a feasible settlement with mutual respect. The specific details of this settlement must not be unilateral and enforced, but be accepted voluntarily by both sides, which can guide the kid and his parents to comply with it. The settlement transcends all psychological concepts in terms of right or wrong, good or bad, complains, etc., thus can bring the complex and obsessed psychological state back to a simple, powerful and flexible one.


Try to simplify complex issues by returning to a simple settlement. The most important thing is to let the child learn from deep inside of the beneficial or harmful effects on life conducted by his own actions. Light always lives with the beneficial state of life. The parents take a long-term view and fully understand the negative effects from iPad-playing such as wasting time and hurting the body, but they tend to ignore the psychological needs of their kid.

生命之光 阳光早餐

The Light of Life Sunshine Breakfast

原标题:父母孩子相互尊重协商 | 中英文




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