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Say Cheese!帕尔玛芝士可不是奶素产品!|坚果奶酪配方-纯素马苏里拉奶酪 / 夏威夷果涂抹奶酪


芝士通常被认为是奶素者可以食用的食物,但是有一些芝士在制作工艺中却含有动物成份——小牛皱胃酶(Calf Rennet)。它是利用犊牛的皱胃提取的一种凝乳酶,是干酪生产的凝乳剂。著名的帕尔玛干酪(Parmesan/Parmigiano-Reggiano),就是典型的非素食芝士。





标有vegetarian cheese,奶素者可放心食用

标有vegan cheese,纯素者可放心食用




腰果 / 100克 隔夜浸泡

纯净水  / 100克

白醋 / 1+1/2tsp

盐 / 1 tsp

酵母精华(yeast extract) / 1tsp

木薯粉 / 2tbsp







生夏威夷果 / 2cups

柠檬汁 / 2tablespoon

特级初榨橄榄油  / 2tsp

海盐 / 1tsp

粉红色和绿色的胡椒 / 2tablespoon


1 提前一晚把夏威夷果浸泡在冷水中,沥干后,倒入高速搅拌机,加入柠檬汁,酵母粉,橄榄油和盐,搅拌至柔滑,整个过程约需要10-12分钟,视情况加入少量水。

2 把上述食材倒入一个碗中,冷藏至少1小食,使其变硬。然后把它拿出,压入圆形模具中,拿走模具,在周边抹上彩色的胡椒。

fact about cheese

In cheese making, for milk toseparate into curds and whey (curdling), the process requires the addition ofrennet. Rennet contains the enzyme chymosin. Rennet can be sourced from theabomasum (fourth stomach) of newly-born calves where the chymosin aidsdigestion and absorption of milk. Adult cows do not have this enzyme. Chymosinis extracted from slaughtered calves by washing and drying the stomach lining,which is cut into small pieces and macerated in a solution of boric acid/brinefor 4-5 days. Three of the major sources of protease for coagulating milk arefrom animal sources, veal calves, adult cows and pigs, the other three are fromfungi.  


Parmesan and other non-vegetariancheese

There are some cheeses which arealways made using animal rennet, for example, Parmesan (Parmigiano Reggiano).In order to be called ‘Parmesan’ this has to be produced according totraditional methods which use calf rennet. The regulations for its productionstate the following ingredients; cows milk, salt and calf rennet. The milkcomes from cows reared in the defined geographical area and the use of the termparmesan as a product description is limited by European Union labelling law tobeing region specific. Other cheeses which are always made using animal rennetinclude Grana Padano and Gorgonzola. You can get ‘Italian-style style hardcheese’, and variations of others which are suitable for vegetarians.


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