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招聘:媒体官员(Media officer)| 世界动物保护协会


We are World Animal Protection.
We end the needless suffering of animals. 

We influence decision makers to put animals on the global agenda.

We help the world see how important animals are to all of us.

We inspire people to change animals’ lives for the better.

We move the world to protect animals. 


World Animal Protection is a truly global organisation, working in over 50 countries across the world, with offices in every continent. Our vision is a world where animal welfare matters and animal cruelty has ended We protect animals because we believe a sustainable future for the planet can only be achieved if both animals and people are part of the solution.


Job Title: Media Officer

Reports to: Senior Communications Manager, China

Direct reports: No

Budget holder: No 

Location: Beijing, China

Technical/Professional Accountability to: Global Head of Media,Marketing, Communications and Fundraising

Global/Local: Local



Main Purpose of the Role

The media officer is responsible for managing, developing and driving World Animal Protection’s media communications activity in China. Working to the Senior Communications Manager and alongside a digital officer, the role helps build awareness of World Animal Protection’s campaigns and initiatives through the placement of news stories in key local media outlets. 

As a key member of the local communications team and the global marketing and communications team, this role is responsible for developing local press opportunities and leveraging global stories to position the organization as an authority in animal protection and support the organization’s ambitious goals to move the world to protect animals.  


The Media Officer is accountable for the execution and delivery of the local media strategy in support of World Animal Protection’s global strategy.  The position is accountable for media outcomes which build brand awareness, engage the public and support public mobilization activities, helping deliver against key objectives in the global communications strategy.

Duties and Responsibilities

Strategy and planning

● Develop and deliver an annual media plan with clear performance targets

● Formulate and implement media strategies which support World Animal Protection’s business objectives

Media and issues management

● Optimize audience reach through channels and build brand awareness through strategically placed stories in top-tier media

● Proactively and reactively prepare materials to take advantage of key stories in the news cycle

● Write media kits, media pitches, press releases, blog posts, key messages, authored articles and blog posts

● Draft quality press releases, press packs, and lines to take and issue within agreed protocols

● Pitch and place media across various channels to generate growing volume of media hits in local market

● Contribute content to local online properties including website and social media channels

● Develop briefing documents for spokespeople, act as a spokesperson and provide local media training as required

● Share ideas with local communications and digital colleagues to ensure a coordinated, integrated effort

● Work collaboratively with programs colleagues to gain technical guidance and build their credibility in the news media as experts

● Manage reactive media enquiries in accordance with global guidelines and in conjunction with the Communications Manager Global Head of Media

● Respond quickly to media requests and agree points of escalation

● Ensure key organisational messages are accurately and consistently expressed in local media

● Coordinate planning and logistics for media conferences and visits as required

● Represent World Animal Protection at meetings with external bodies, conferences and other public settings where relevant to World Animal Protection’s agreed programs activities

● Assist on a project by project basis with celebrity supporter communications and researching celebrity supporter news

● Manage and update media mailing lists and manage clipping platforms

● Actively participate in building and maintaining the integrity of our brand

Relationship management

● Develop and nurture excellent relationships with journalists and influencers (eg bloggers) in all forms of media, to improve story placement and to amplify our presence as an animal welfare expert in local media

● Maintain a media contact database and manage distribution lists

● Manage service providers like freelancers, translators as well as graphic design and production agencies and suppliers, evaluating performance and negotiating prices and contracts

Reporting & performance

● Monitor and report on all outputs, evaluating the effectiveness of media communications activity, including social media, networking and press activity

● Conduct media monitoring to assess reach to target audiences, delivery of key messages, spokesperson quotes, links to actions/channels

● Measure and evaluate local media performance and deliver quarterly reports on achievements against key performance indicators to International Marketing and Communications

● Share case studies and learning with local and global teams

Global working

● Contribute to global communications projects and plans

● Work with the Global Head of Media to support global media activities

● Edit and translate global press releases for local distribution

● Participate in global communication meetings and training as required

● Keep up on trends, both local and global, and share opportunities, assets and learnings with colleagues around the world

Organisational responsibilities

● Support delivery of World Animal Protection’s Global Strategy across the core themes of Mission, Movement and Transformation in a global, matrix environment

● Work cooperatively with external organisations, teams within World Animal Protection and in the wider animal welfare movement to pursue program objectives and wider organisational goals

● Actively participate and support the organisation to ensure that we manage our resources (financial, staff and IT) efficiently and effectively by improvement of systems, reporting and compliance

● Contribute to a learning culture and create a positive working environment

● Take responsibility for their own health, safety and welfare, comply with health and safety policy and procedures, and not act in a way that compromises the safety of themselves, colleagues or the public

● locally or internationally to provide support or participate in World Animal Protection’s activities as and when required

● The role holder will from time to time be required to undertaken any other duties that are within the scope of the role

Skills and Experience



● Experience working in a similar, equivalent role with evidence of developing and implementing successful media relations strategies

● Demonstrated experience of utilising traditional tools (press, networking etc) as well as new tools (social media, twitter, blogs etc) to maximise media coverage and awareness

● Previous experience liaising with journalists and an understanding of the media landscape in China

● Excellent written and verbal communication skill with the ability to tailor the communication style to the audience and situation

● A strong understanding and experience of media metrics and reporting

● Ability to communicate at all levels and to adapt writing to suit different audiences

● Ability to translate strategic objectives into practical and achievable plans that are sensitive to the needs to various stakeholders and partners

● Proven ability to work under pressure, managing competing priorities and tight deadlines

● Fluency in written and spoken Chinese and English


● Relevant degree or equivalent professional experience


● Knowledge of animal welfare issues

● Experience with development of campaigns

● Experience working in an international non-government organisation or charity




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