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不 ,不—— 不是那个Avocado Lady......
No, no... not that Avocado Lady!
上海维根社区对AvocadoLady 进行了简短的拜访,给大家列举下我们买的经典纯素选择(有些含价格)。店主很亲切地允许我们拍了一些照片——平日,店里不可以拍照噢~
Vegans of Shanghai made a quick trip to The Avocado Lady to give you a peek at some the vegan goodies (with some prices) we typically buy there (she was gracious enough to let us take a few pictures before she kicked us out—but remember no photography is allowed in her store!)
如果你在上海是初来乍到、或者从未听说过Avocado Lady 、再或者你虽然经常去但是还没淘到隐藏的宝贝,敬请期待吧~
If you’re a newbie to Shanghai or have never heard of the Avocado lady, or even if you go there often but you aren’t sure of its hidden gems, stay tuned to find out more!
Oatly! Yes, the organic oat drink is available in her shop right now! Best to grab it up while it lasts. (40 RMB)
Did you know Oatly also has dairy-free ice cream available now??
KOH Coconut milk, which is great for smoothies—or anything really.
KOH 椰奶,用来做奶昔再好不过了——当然也可以加在其他的饮料!
Juices! Yes, of course these are vegan by default, but they are cheap and tasty. We couldn’t quite make out the price, but they are definitely cheap.
Pumpkin seeds are a fan favorite if you are into physical activity or smoothie bowls. You can even sprinkle them on your afternoon salad for a bit more protein. (35 RMB)
Popcorn! Since microwavable popcorn typically has milk products, you can buy the corn and pop it yourself. (13 RMB)
You can get a bunch of other dried fruit as well, including a huge bag of dried cranberries---perfect for cereals or granola. (45 RMB)
...or apricots, which are perfect for making fruit jam and also work well as a sugar-free sweetener (35 RMB)
Medjool dates---a staple for health nuts. We didn’t get the price on these but they should be around 40RMB, at least from the last time I bought them.
葵花籽——你知道吗?制作维根芝士时,葵花籽可以用作腰果酱的平价代替品。(18 RMB)
红枣 (25 RMB)
Sunflower seeds---did you know sunflower seeds make a cheap substitute for cashews when making vegan cheese? (18 RMB)
Green raisins (20 RMB)
Jujube dates (25 RMB)
A variety of different cereals, which are typically also a default vegan product, but make sure you double-check the ingredients.
你可以在这里找到Pureharvest 豆奶和燕麦奶。价格也是蛮可观的。(30RMB)
For all of your milk alternatives you can get a large carton of Pureharvest soy and oatmilk. They are a decent price here. (30 RMB)
There is also Valsoia brand soy and almond milk. (25 RMB)
We can’t forget dark chocolate!
Green chili pickle and sweet mango chutney, which work well as a dip or a side.
一直问咖喱的朋友们有福气啦,这里有伽拉穆.马莎拉 (garam masala—印度香料混合物)和咖喱鱼马沙拉!
For all the people who keep asking about curry, you can get garam masala and fish curry masala seasoning as well!
Coconut cream – which works well for a lot of Thai curry dishes.
Chickpeas, lentils, and sesame seeds.
Here is a dessert made out of tahini.
And of course…we all can’t forget nutritional yeast, a must have staple for those new to vegan cuisine if you want to add a bit of a cheesy flavor to foods (and it’s fortified with B12). (85 RMB)
The Avocado Lady
乌鲁木齐路274号, 近五原辂
No. 274 Wulumuqi Rd., near Wuyuan Rd.
And don't forget our tasty 100% plant-based
breakfast for dinner event!
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