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Kaixin Cooking的农场餐桌 | Kaixin Cooking's Farm to Table Dinner


Kaixin Cooking is having its first farm to table dinner! We are proud to collaborate with Vert City Farm and Epermarket to bring you healthy Chinese popup dinner made from organic, seasonal ingredients grown locally in Chongming.

Kaixin Cooking 正在组织其第一个农场餐桌。我们提供采用时令有机食材烹制的新菜肴。我们正在与Epermarket和万禾都市农场合作。

DATE 日期: November 10, 18:00 - 21:00,

LOCATION 地点: Vert City Farm, Zhongshan Park Raffles City, 1123 Changning Lu, 8F, 万禾都市农场餐厅, 长宁路1123号8楼
PRICE 价格: 200RMB early bird until November 1, 250RMB regular price. Includes a six-course dinner!  早鸟200元, 正常价格250元!  

Drinks sold separately. 饮料另售。

Kaixin Cooking provides healthy Chinese food through cooking classes and popup meals. For this dinner, we are creating a new Chinese-inspired one-time menu just for this season!

Kaixin Cooking通过烹饪课程和便餐提供健康的中餐。对于这一顿晚餐,我们创建个全新的季节性菜单。

We love the concept of partnering with Vert City Farm – their farm is located directly outside of Shanghai, and we will pick ingredients that are the most in season and fresh. This is our chance to get creative, using unusual and familiar Chinese vegetables to serve you a delicious and surprising dinner.

Because of the access to the farm, this dinner will be 100% plant based - no meat!


Vert City Farm is a 100% organic farm located on Chongming Island. It provides hyper-local organic produce, meat, and eggs to Shanghai.


Vert City combines technology and organic farming systems, with a heavy focus on balancing hydrology, atmosphere, plant and soil microbiology. It creates an incredible quality and taste to their products!


It is the first Shanghai area farm to receive the Organic Food Certification in 1998, and it has achieved organic certifications from the USA, EU, Japan, and other major international bodies.


Vert City Farm products are available for purchase on Epermarket.

We're proud to be working with great local businesses and communities to bring you this dinner!



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