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做你朋友圈里最酷的素食仔! Be the Healthy and Cool Vegan Among Your Friends!



Hi Fam,

不管是出于自身健康考虑,还是为了保护地球环境与动物,你决定做一个纯素食主义者了。然而这一改变却似乎并不只是你自己的事儿——你成了与肉食者朋友聚餐时的“扫兴者“、”事儿妈“,亲人更多的是担心你 “吃素营养能够吗?”面对这种种不理解和疑虑,你是不是也开始有点动摇:“做个纯素主义者就不酷了吗?”

Well, we know a lot of you’ve set your mind on going vegan, for the sake of your own health or for the environment and animal protection. But this change seems to be more than a personal matter. Friends and family will doubt your decision, or worry about your health. How will you stand up to those doubts and worries? Is being a vegan really not cool?


Vegan = Weak Body?


The biggest question about vegan diets is the lack of nutrition, especially when it comes to protein and fats. When compared with omnivorous diets, the vegan diet usually gives people an impression of having insufficient energy. Vegans are pictured as weak and pale or even sick.


This is wrong because a vegan diet does not only include vegetables. In fact, going vegan means you also eat beans and other legumes, nuts, fruits, grains, and fermented food (ideally). These wide range of ingredients allow vegans to have a variety of different sources of nutrition.


Admittedly though, it is harder for vegans to have the same amount of nutrients as the omnivores. Because you cannot eat animal food ingredients like meat, eggs and milk once you choose to adopt a vegan diet, the choice for nutrient resources is relatively more limited. Protein, for example, is probably what most vegans care most about because protein is literally the key to maintaining our healthy look as well as fueling your workouts and other daily activities. Not having enough protein will not only make your skin and hair look dull, but also results in a loss of muscle mass and inability to lose weight. What’s worse, you will be likely to experience fatigue more frequently.

而作为纯素主义者的你虽然有以上这些种类繁多的食材可作为蛋白质的来源,但它们1)并不全都常见,而且价格相对较高; 2)单位质量所含蛋白质比动物性食材低,也就是说你想摄取等量的蛋白质却要吃下比你的杂食小伙伴多得多的食物!你是不是要感叹:“找这些不同食材顿顿换着吃太花精力了,再说我也没那肚子吃啊!”可不是吗,要做一个强壮健康的纯素食者并不简单!

Although there is still a range of foods that could bring protein to vegans, those foods are 1) Not easy to get, and the costs are high; 2) contain less protein per unit, which means you will have to eat a lot more food than omnivorous folk if you want to take in the same amount of protein .Well, you may think, " it takes too much energy to get all these different kinds of foods every meal, besides, how can I eat that much food! It’s indeed not easy work to be a strong and healthy vegan.


Vegan = Social Bore?

虽然纯素并不等于吃草,但放弃了动物性食物就代表你确实要不得不和一些你钟爱的食物say goodbye了:冰淇淋、奶酪汉堡、鸡蛋卷、骨汤拉面、芝士蛋糕……这些舌尖上的美味和与它们链接着的幸福感觉,从此都成了“此情只待成追忆”。在作出纯素这一选择的时候,别说很多人自己都要忍着痛感觉人生就此改变,你身边的小伙伴是否也不禁有了“从此再做不了朋友”的想法?毕竟吃不到一起去了呀!

Being Vegan is certainly not just about eating vegetables only, but you will have to say goodbye to some of your past favorites like ice-cream, cheese burgers, egg rolls, bone soup ramen, and cheesecakes etc. These delicious foods and the happy memory attached to them are now gone with the wind. The transition from omnivorous to vegan may or may not be easy for you, but it is certainly not easy for your pals—it’s hard for you to eat at the same table!


Especially if you talk to any vegan, the thing they most likely miss is cheese. Smelly, unique, creamy, delicious cheese. Cheese on bread, cheese on pizza, cheese in sandwiches, and cheese by itself. To a lot of people, giving up cheese means giving up a whole happy world.


Wipe the tears (and drool!) right now because TRIBE is introducing a new, upgraded vegan cheese for our vegan pals. We know you are quite familiar with vegan cheese already, but do you know that not all vegan cheeses are good? Some of the more processed types of vegan cheese contain large amounts of refined oils, preservatives, color additives and sodium whilst being mostly void of substantial nutritional value. These types of cheese should be consumed minimally, if at all. If you choose to be a vegan for health reasons, remember, processed vegan cheese is even worse than regular cheese for your body.


On the contrary, TRIBE homemade vegan cheese is 100% natural and made with cashews as the main ingredient. So it is rich in cellulose, healthy fats and minerals, and a good source of protein and energy. So that you don't ever need to worry about the lack of protein/energy when going vegan.

经过我们反复试验和内部品测,款新素食奶酪既有真正醇香浓郁的口味,又软而弹滑,拥有真正可以融化的质地,口感丝毫不输真正奶酪的新腰果素食奶酪!而现在,你在TRIBE北京的三里屯店和上海店(海店有椰奶糯米和腰果两种素食奶酪供你选择)点pizza都可以选择使用这款腰果纯素奶酪, 纯素奶酪+无麸质饼底+多款新鲜美味配料=全城走在健康最前沿的pizza快来带上你吃素吃肉吃什么都好的小伙伴一起来共享吧,毕竟pizza是最适合密友爱人快乐分享的食物,而你也一定可以成为选对了这一聚会亮点的最cool的纯素仔!

After many tests and tastings, we created a newvegan cheese: it comes with a rich, creamy taste taste and a thick yet smooth texture, a real alternative to regular cheese. Now you can have this cashew vegan cheese at TRIBE Sanlitun (Beijing) and TRIBE Shanghai when ordering any pizza (we have both the original coconut milk & sticky rice option and the new cashew vegan cheese option available at TRIBE Shanghai). Vegan cheese + gluten free pizza base + multiple delicious ingredients = the most healthy and trendy pizza in town! Bring all your vegan and omnivorous friends alike because we are confident everyone will enjoy it! Plus, pizza is the best food for sharing, after all. And you will certainly be the coolest among your friends for picking the right gathering option!

Yours Organically,


TRIBE Sanlitun

TRIBE Solana

TRIBE WF Central

TRIBE Shanghai



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