大家好, Hey Fam, 下周开始,北京上海都迎来了30度的高温,你是不是此刻已经准备好了夏季出街必备武器:冰淇淋和汽水,一个几口就没,一个一仰而尽。看一眼成分,“糖+牛奶+水的混合物”外来一瓶“糖+水+添加剂”这个夏天离你瘦的目标好像又远了一条街。 Next week, the temperature will soar up to 30 degrees Celsius in Beijing and Shanghai. Are you ready for ice cream and soda? Will you be frightened at the glimpse of the ingredient list? “Sugar, milk, and water” or “Sugar, water, additives”, they all seem to help you put on weight, while your plan is to lose weight. 但是夏季就是需要冰淇淋这样的甜品犒劳自己啊。心情燥热,加班忙碌,一口冰淇淋入口整个人都振奋了,夏天,冬天,早上,晚上,冰淇淋是我们永远的朋友不是吗?为了让大家不必在炎炎夏日为吃与不吃做斗争,这个夏季我们又推出了更多新口味的普通冰激凌及纯素冰淇淋。 But ice cream is such a sweet treat in summer! A scoop of ice cream is always our best friend; summer or winter, day or night, it cheers us up all the same. To eat or not to eat, it should never be a question as we are now offering a wider range of non-vegan and vegan ice cream. 在吃任何冰淇淋前,大家一定要先了解一下制作材料,从而吃下的每一口卡路里都没有愧疚感。作为一家有机健康餐厅, TRIBE一直保持低糖的形象,所以不仅食材透明,我们的厨师也为大家严格控制了分量,一次一到两个冰淇淋球,满足一下味蕾同时也不会吃多,此外,TRIBE今夏推出的四款冰淇淋并没有搭配额外的配料,酱汁,所以更不必担心一些隐形热量偷偷入侵你的身体。 Before indulging in ice cream, we need to know what it's made of so we do not feel guilty about it. As an organic and healthy cafe/restaurant, TRIBE is known for its low-carb dishes. Our chef pays much attention to the quantity of ingredients as well as the quality of our food materials. One or two scoops of ice cream are by no means a burden but only a great treat for your stomach. The four flavors this summer are all free of additives or sauces. No worries about those extra invisible calories. 轻盈“冰淇淋” Ice Ice Vegan “Ice Cream” 纯素:椰子,草莓 Coconut, Strawberry 普通:巧克力,芒果 Non-vegan: Chocolate, Mango 关于我们的纯素冰淇淋菜单,如果你这个冰淇淋死忠粉还在翻白眼,那你就错过了世界上最火的一波潮流。时代早变了,冰淇淋巨头Ben&Jerry都开始做素食冰淇淋了。 如果你还以为不加牛奶和普通奶油就无法还原冰淇淋顺滑细腻的口感,没有牛奶的香气就不算冰淇淋,那你真的错了。素食冰淇淋的质地和普通冰淇淋一样,制作工艺也秉持一致的标准,它的基底选用椰奶油,所以能提供令你满意的细腻清爽口感但不会像牛奶冰淇淋那样粘稠,同时素食冰淇淋比同类正常冰淇淋更健康(糖和脂肪都更少,吃起来负担更少了!),素食冰淇淋既能满足孩子的味蕾也能满足成人挑剔的品味,比起传统的盒装冰淇淋,在店里享受刚舀出的冰淇淋球口感会更好。 If you are a huge fan of traditional ice cream and look down upon our vegan ones, you may well miss the most in-thing in the world. They are popular! Even ice cream brand names like “Ben & Jerry” are selling vegan ice creams. You are really wrong if you think the creamy texture and the beautiful smell come only from cow's milk and cream. Just like their traditional counterparts, vegan ice cream is strictly made under the same high standards. Coconut milk is used to get the right creamy (but not thick) texture. Vegan ice cream is more healthy (less caloric burden thanks to less sugar and fat) and tasty both for children and adults alike. Compared to the processed, boxed versions in the supermarket, the freshly made vegan ice cream in our restaurant surely tastes better. 这款纯素冰淇淋不仅适合想尝鲜赶潮流的时尚人士,素食饮食人群,更是乳糖不耐人群的夏日解药。如果你之前因为冰淇淋这件事在夏日聚会中总显得不合群,那么下次就来TRIBE吧,你不用再忍受正常冰淇淋带来的肠胃不适,不仅是口感的盛宴对肠胃也一种享受。素食冰淇淋不仅满足更多人群吃冰淇淋的需求,对身体好,对环境也更好,不用牛奶,碳排放也减少很多哦。如果下次朋友嘲笑你点TRIBE的素食冰淇淋,告诉TA, 我在为人类环保事业做贡献呢! Vegan ice cream is a must for fashionable people, vegans, and moreover, it's the best friend to people who are lactose intolerant. If you hate not being able to enjoy ice cream with your friends, bring them to TRIBE; no longer will you suffer the symptoms of lactose intorelance. Vegan ice cream is tasty in the mouth and good in stomach. It’s healthy and it’s green. Less diary means less carbon emissions after all. Please let your friend know you are protecting our environment if they ever dare to laugh at your vegan ice cream. 作为传统与创新结合的TRIBE有机餐厅,不管是菜品还是冰淇淋都不会鄙弃经典之作但也会带入全球最新的潮流,这次我们制作的最有创意的冰淇淋恰好是素食而已。不管你有什么样的需求,这款素食冰淇淋都值得你咬上一口,尝过之后,可能你以后对它的正常同类甚至不想再看一眼,因为TA真的太美味啦! TRIBE organic fuses tradition with creativity, bringing new trends to our menu and still paying respect to classic dishes. This time, our most creative ice cream happens to be vegan, and it is definitely worth a bite. You won’t even want to buy another traditional ice cream after trying our vegan ones. They're so delicious! Yours Organically, TRIBE TRIBE Sanlitun TRIBE Solana TRIBE WF Central TRIBE Shanghai
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